Bjergsen apologized to the 100 Thieves owner for the way he handled his retirement.

Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg will go down as one of the greatest League of Legends players in LCS history. The Danish Mid laner dominated the competition for over a decade as he racked up six LCS titles, multiple MVP awards, and countless appearances at Riots international events.

On April 7, Bjergsen announced he would be retiring from competitive play, ending a career that has spanned a decade. Bjergsen insisted in his retirement video posted on his social channels that it was not performance related, but to spend time with loved ones and experience 'life away from League of Legends'.

Following his announcement, Bjergsen apologized to Matthew "Nadeshot" Haag, who had mixed reactions to the way he [Bjergsen] handled the situation.

Nadeshot speaks about Bjergsen's retirement on his podcast

The retirement was a surprise for the entire League of Legends community, no less so for 100 Thieves. On a recent episode of the Nadeshot Knows podcast, 100T founder and CEO Nadeshot spoke about how the situation played out from his perspective.

We were at the Golf course when I got the text, and it was basically Jacob our head of esports saying "Bjergsen has just informed us that he is retiring and that he is going to release a statement within the next hour."

Nadeshot on the moment he found out Bjergsen is retiring

With Nadeshot being a former professional player, he understood Bjergsen's situation, that feeling of when it is time to go you will know. But on the other hand, the 100T co-owner wishes the Danish Mid laner had dealt with the situation differently.

Do I think he handled it the best way? Probably not. I would say if Bjergsen had been part of 100 Thieves for a couple of years and handled it this way I would be furious. [...] An hour heads up is not great and I think it was tough for me because I've known Bjergsen a while. [...] When I watched the video that is when I got a little more upset. Just because he had a full DSLR, mic'd up, production quality through the roof, he knew what he was doing.

Nadeshots thoughts on how Bjergsen handled the situation

Nadeshot would take to Twitter after the clip had done the rounds on social media. Stating he has no ill will towards Bjergsen and was simply airing his thoughts on his podcast.

Shortly after, Bjergsen would respond, admitting he could have "handled things differently."

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