Dyadia is expected to be Honor of Kings’ 92nd hero release.
Honor of Kings (HoK) is expected to launch its 93rd hero, Dyadia, a character who is suitable for the roamer role. Official information about Dyadia will be released later by HoK's developers, but here is some leaked information you might be interested in!

Honor of Kings Dyadia release date
Honor of Kings Dyadia skills
Dyadia is a versatile and strategic support hero who can steal gold from enemies. She's also capable of healing allies, using crowd control, and dealing damage.
Below are the leaked skills descriptions via YouTuber Shadow HOK. Dyadia's actual skill names and descriptions might vary when the hero officially launches in HoK on September.
Passive: Chanting
Every 7.5 seconds or faster as she levels up, Dyadia's next basic attack gets enhanced. When she uses it, she swings at an enemy, dealing spell damage and knocking them back while she jumps back herself. You can do this without any targets and it can also pass through walls.
When Dyadia blesses an ally with Good Fate or uses Fate on an enemy, she earns an extra 20 gold and cuts the cooldown of her enhanced attack by 50%. This lets her steal more gold from enemies and use her enhanced basic attack more often.

Skill 1: Two Hearts
When Dyadia uses this ability, she marks an ally with Good Fate, instantly healing them. For the next 5 seconds, if the marked heroes move toward each other, they'll gain a movement speed boost. If they get close, then the Good Fate blessing is activated. This heals them even more and keeps that speed boost for 2 seconds.
If Dyadia casts the skill again on an ally who already has the mark, then she'll rush to them, triggering the Good Fate blessing immediately. This not only heals the ally and boosts their speed, but also heals Dyadia herself.
If you don't cast the skill again within 5 seconds, the cooldown is refreshed so you can use it again.

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Skill 2: Complaint about Separation
When Dyadia uses her second skill, she marks an enemy with Fate, revealing them for 5 seconds and dealing magic damage every second.
Additionally, it continuously takes away two gold from the enemy. This doesn't affect non-hero units like minions and jungle monsters. The stolen gold is kept by Dyadia until the enemy defeats or assists in defeating her, at which point they can reclaim 100% or 50% of it.
If the marked enemies move toward each other, they'll slow down. If they get too close, then Fate Resolve kicks in, stops the damage, and returns all of the stolen gold. Just like her first skill, Dyadia can recast this ability within 5 seconds, and if she doesn't use it again, the cooldown time gets refreshed.
If Dyadia casts the skill again on the same enemy, she'll dash to them and apply Resolve Fate. This immobilizes them for 1 second and deals all of the stored magic damage. During this time, Dyadia takes 25% less damage. However, the enemy takes double that reduction.

Ultimate: Fate
When Dyadia uses her ultimate, she sends out a group of Fate Cubs that fly forward in a cluster. As they pass, they bless friendly heroes with Good Fate and heal them. Meanwhile, they curse enemies with Bad Fate and deal spell damage.
If an ally already has Good Fate, the bonus duration is refreshed, giving them extra healing and a speed boost for 2 seconds. On the other hand, if an enemy already has Bad Fate, the time is refreshed, dealing extra spell damage and immobilizing them for 1 second.
Every time Dyadia earns an extra gold through her skills, the healing for allies and the spell damage to enemies from her ultimate increases by a point. The more gold she gathers, the stronger her ultimate.

How to obtain Dyadia in HoK
Dyadia is expected to be available in the shop with a price tag of either 18,888 Starstones or 13,888 Starstones. The hero can also be bought with Tokens or Limited-Time Tokens, but it is recommended to buy her with Starstones instead since you can get that currency more easily.
HoK Players might be able to get her at cheaper prices later on through weekly discounts. It's also possible to use a Trial Card to play her in matches.
More information about Dyadia will be updated later, so stay tuned on esports.gg!