Here are some deck codes from Hearthstone’s theorycrafting event!
The Whizbang’s Workshop expansion is launching on March 19. Prior to its release, invited players got to duke it out against others during a Hearthstone theorycrafting event. Read on for some of the showcased decks and Whizbang's Workshop deck codes to try out once the expansion becomes available for everyone!
![Chemical Spill Warrior (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)](
Whizbang's Workshop theorycrafting event decks
One of the featured Whizbang’s Workshop decks was Chemical Spill Warrior. We tested out this one against a Mage. The Mechs, Deathrattle keyword, weapons, plus the new Miniaturize mechanic provided board control and value.
![The Chemical Spill Warrior deck in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)](
The synergy of the Chemical Spill Warrior cards allowed us to get out big minions as well. For example, after equipping the Boom Wrench weapon, a miniaturized 1/1 version of it was added to our hand. We used this 1/1 weapon to trigger Containment Unit's Deathrattle. This summoned an 8-mana minion, Grommash Hellscream, on our side of the board.
![Whizbang’s Workshop decks (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)](
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Players showcase Aura Paladin and Mech synergy
Throughout March 13, Hearthstone players were also busy duking it on Twitch. Brian Kibler, for example, played a Crafting Auras Paladin deck in Wild. Meanwhile, Alliestrasza tested out her version of a Whizbang's Workshop Druid deck.
![Crafting Auras Paladin in Hearthstone (Image via bmkibler on Twitch)](
DragonriderTCCG also battled against others on her livestream. Prior to a match, she showcased Zilliax Deluxe 3000. This legendary Mech minion allowed for unique customizations during deck creation. She later referred to this as her Aura Divine Shield Paladin.
![DragonriderTCCG showcasing the Zilliax Deluxe 3000 Mech minion (Image via dragonriderTCCG on Twitch)](
The player checked out the new Leeroy the Legend hero skin as well. This skin will be available starting March 19.
![The Leeroy the Legend skin in Hearthstone (Image via dragonriderTCCG on Twitch)](
Whizbang’s Workshop decks and deck codes
- Brian Kibler's Crafting Auras Paladin: AAEBAZ8FBoX+BY3+BcekBtOpBsnBBuHrBgzJoATKxAWV9QXjjga8jwaSoAbNqQbOqQbRqQamswbt5gbk6wYAAQPxswbHpAb3swbHpAbo3gbHpAYAAA==
- Alliestrasza's Druid: AAECAZICBJ/zBaCgBqqxBquxBg2unwSB1ATg0AXb+gWFjgbvqQb/sAaHsQaSsQaUsQapsQbZsQb35QYAAA==
- Chemical Spill Warrior: AAECAQcEi6AEtPgFk6gGr6gGDY7UBJzUBKH6BaH7BZCDBoqUBp+eBoegBo+oBpCoBpKoBpSoBuypBgAA
- Splendiferous Whizbang: AAECAa0GAfOyBgAAAA==
- Demon Sludge Warlock: AAECAf0GBICeBsekBpSzBuLmBg3X+gXm/wWVlwaWlwaXlwaYlwaEngaroAaXswaaswacswacwQbh5gYAAQPxswbHpAbyswbHpAbo3gbHpAYAAA==
- Shudderblock Tendrils Shaman: AAECAaoIBI31BamVBqilBsnBBg36nwT9nwS+0AWdlQallQbrlQacngafngbmngbIoAanpQbPpQakpwYAAA==
- Weapon Rogue: AAECAaIHBM+UBo6WBsigBoqoBg2SnwT3nwTTsgXIlAbWngbqngaAowatpwaJqAazqQbuqQaQ5gaR5gYAAA==
- Raza Priest: Raza Priest: AAECAa0GBszGBc/2BaSdBq+oBsaoBoC4Bgyi6AOtigTLoASi6QX7+AWFjgbpmAbGnAbEqAbFqAbgqAaiswYAAA==
- Big Paladin: AAECAZ8FCO2fBMDGBY3+BcekBtKpBrK4BsnBBuHrBgvHxAXrgAaZjgaOlQaRlQb1lQaqlgbLnwaSoAaHqAbRqQYAAQPxswbHpAb3swbHpAbu3gbHpAYAAA==
- Spell Mage: AAECAf0EBvHTBNH4BdaYBvSbBrGgBrqnBgz9ngSAwgXs9gXf+AW//gXL/gWk/wWDlQblpgbmpgazpwa4pwYAAA==
- Token Hunter: AAECAR8GqZ8E9MgF1/kFx6QG9KUG5uYGDObKBcj2BcuOBtKOBuelBvGlBvKlBv+lBpKmBoHmBoTmBtfzBgABA/OzBsekBvazBsekBu7eBsekBgAA
- Spell Damage Druid: AAECAZICCLWKBJegBJ/zBamVBtecBquxBuvmBuHrBguB1ASi6QX9jQa7lQbvqQb/sAaHsQaUsQansQbZsQb35QYAAA==
- Aggro Demon Hunter: AAECAea5AwaU1AT0yAWongbHpAaBpgbm5gYMtp8E0p8E4fgFhY4GnJoG7p4G7Z8Gn6cGw7AGxrAG9eUG1/MGAAED8bMGx6QG8rMGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA=
- Handbuff Death Knight: AAECAfHhBASLkga9sQbBsQbW5QYNh/YEsvcEs/cElMoFzpwG1J4GkqAGurEGvLEG9rEGi7cG1+UG2eUGAAA=
![Brian Kibler's deck includes Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)](
Above are some new Hearthstone decks and deck codes that you can try out, courtesy of the streamers and Blizzard. The Splendiferous Whizbang one, in particular, lets you start the game with one of his experimental decks. You only need the Splendiferous Whizbang card to play this one.
![The Splendiferous Whizbang deck only requires one card (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)](
That's all for now. Are you excited to jump into the fray? Stick around on for more Hearthstone news and updates!