Dual-type minions bring double the fun to Battlegrounds Season 3. Learn how you can use them to improve your favorite builds!
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 3 promises to shake up the meta with Professor Putricide’s unstable experiments. These new dual-type minions can slot into double the amount of Battlegrounds builds. These hybrids can also appear in the Tavern if at least one of their tribes is in the game.
Some of these minions may even bring specific synergies from one tribe to the other. Furthermore, their sheer presence in the pool ensures less chances to whiff a Discover. Gameplay can be smoother when you’re less likely to find choices that are incompatible with your build. Let's see how dual-type minions slot into and improve your favorite existing Battlegrounds builds.
Mecha-Demon minions: Magnetize gets a twist from the Twisting Nether

Mechs’ trademark Magnetize mechanic gets a twist as the six-drop Mecha-Jaraxxus yields one of three minions that can Magnetize onto and buff Demons in addition to Mechs. The high health and Taunt of one of the generated cards, Magtheridon Prime, makes Impulsive Trickster a prime target.
The Mecha-Demon also satisfies Impulsive Trickster’s dual need for high health and a sure Deathrattle trigger to round out a Felbat Demon or Menagerie build. Moreover, Rusted Reggie can add Windfury and even Mega-Windfury when Golden, resulting in devastating Foe Reaper 4000 cleaves. Have PockyPlays on speed dial if you manage this feat.
Mal’ganis’ trademark “I am a turtle!” foreshadows Beast and Demon dual-type Battlegrounds minion

Missing Palescale Crocolisk already with its ability to dish out stats onto reborn Beasts and Rat Pack tokens? Need a little oomph in your Soul Juggler build since your small tokens and random shots aren’t cutting it for the end game? Felstomper will "dino-soar" your minions.
While the lack of gaining health first leaves you underwhelmed, Dima "Rdu" Radu’s tweet puts things into perspective. If this effect was powerful enough for the popular Smoking Gun quest, it’s quite the welcome addition in two of the most token-reliant builds.
A Beast-Undead that can leap back from the grave unscathed

(Image via Slysssa)
Five-drop Sinrunner Blanchy makes the so-called Leapers or Frog build look scary. Its potential gigantic state after repeated Leapfrogger procs will be further amplified by the buff to Baron Rivendare. Or should we say Titus Rivendare?
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Yo-ho-ho turns gung ho with dual-type Battlegrounds minion Greta Gold-Gun

Pirate and Naga games might be "GG" if you get the first "GGG" thanks to Greta Gold-Gun. This minion has the legacy of the discontinued quest of The Golden Hammer. Its targeted effect is a welcome improvement to Tony Two-Tusk’s randomness and reliance on Avenge procs. The limitation of “until next turn” balances it out.
Pirates benefit greatly with just one more action per minute in the form of Spellcrafting Hogger into Golden and buying and selling Pirates for free while buffing your board. Easily making Tidemistress Athissa Golden will also augment Naga builds. Not to mention the Lady Vashj hero can make the Spellcraft effect permanent. It's worth adding that both Battlegrounds builds compensate for Greta Gold-Gun’s not-so-great stats after a few turns of buffs.
Fel cute, might nerf later! Demons and Elementals with a hidden gem

There are many Battlegrounds games where Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare comes a few turns too late, and this dual-type minion aims to fix that. Now you can compensate with a three-drop Felemental. Two whole Taverns below means earlier and more frequent copies.
Moreover, it’s buffing all minions — not just tribal! If you add a Recycling Wraith for free refreshes, you can permanently buff your shops repeatedly while reaping the benefits of Party Elemental and Lil' Rag buffs. Buffing shop minions permanently may also pay dividends on the Demon side due to the minion type's synergy with Felbat eating up the Tavern. You’ll be over Overseer in no time!
Special mention goes to Cyborg Drake, which buffs any minion that has a Divine Shield. While the attack is very useful, Divine Shield resets are limited to Deflect-o-Bot, Holy Mecherel, and Nadina the Red. This leaves the card lackluster in comparison to the more exciting effects outlined above.
That’s it for our Battlegrounds dual-type minion selection, but there are many other powerful minions that ascribe to just one or even to no tribe.
With Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 3 and a constructed mini-set to follow, stay tuned on Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates.