The Great Dark Beyond expansion goes live in Hearthstone with Draenei and Starships

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

The Great Dark Beyond expansion is now live with 145 new cards.

Hearthstone's new expansion, The Great Dark Beyond, is now live! This expansion includes 145 new cards, and some of them feature the Starship keyword plus Draenei minion type.

Hearthstone: The Great Dark Beyond expansion now live

Released on Nov. 5, this new Hearthstone expansion is centered around the theme of space exploration. Therefore, it makes sense that The Great Dark Beyond gets the Starship keyword. According to Blizzard, you can play Starship Pieces like regular minions. A few examples of cards with the Starship Piece keyword are The Gravitational Displacer, Guiding Figure, and Arkonite Defense Crystal. When these minions die, their effects and stats get added to your Starship's construction.

"Each of the six classes with Starship cards (Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Rogue, and Warlock) have their own iconic Starship visual appearance and name, but every class is welcome on The Exile’s Hope," Blizzard explained.

The Great Dark Beyond cards with the Starship keyword in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Great Dark Beyond cards with the Starship keyword in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Draenei enter new Hearthstone expansion

Although Draenei aren't new to Hearthstone, this is the first time we're seeing Draenei as a minion type. Examples of cards with this new and permanent minion type include Unyielding Vindicator, Askara, and none other than Velen, Leader of the Exiled.

Draenei minions in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Draenei minions in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone sees return of Spellburst keyword

Meanwhile, the Spellburst is not new, but it's a returning keyword. Cards with Spellburst receive an effect after you cast a spell. Cards with this keyword include Star Grazer, Interstellar Researcher, and K'ara, the Dark Star.

The Spellburst keyword is back (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Spellburst keyword is back (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

The Great Dark Beyond cards in Hearthstone

As for more The Great Dark Beyond cards, there are also new ones that reference the Burning Legion. For example, a couple of Warlock cards are Foreboding Flame and Archimonde. Meanwhile, Kil'jaeden is a neutral card that can be played by any Hearthstone class. Those who are knowledgeable about Velen's lore from the World of Warcraft universe would be familiar with Kil'jaeden and Archimonde as well!

Velen has his work cut out for him (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Velen has his work cut out for him (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

The rest of the new Hearthstone cards can be viewed in Blizzard's official library for them.

That's all for now. Are you ready to blast off into this new expansion? Stick around on for more news and updates!