With a score of 3-2, Tansoku won Hearthstone Masters Tour Murder at Castle Nathria! Here’s how he did it.
After some intense dueling action, Tansoku became the Hearthstone Masters Tour Murder at Castle Nathria champion! He won the lion’s share of the $250,000 prize pool alongside points toward the Masters Fall Championship.
Hearthstone Masters Tour Murder at Castle Nathria
The tournament featured the conquest with a ban format, making players bring four unique classes and four decks into battle. This also meant each competitor banned one deck from their opponent in each match.
As for the live broadcast for Hearthstone Masters Tour Murder at Castle Nathria itself, some of the casters turned off their cameras due to the UK heatwave. Despite this, the show went on between August 12th and 14th.

On Friday, the esports action kicked off with four rounds of swiss. Competitors played four more swiss rounds on Saturday. This meant championship Sunday showcase a round of 16 and the top eight competitors before the semifinals and finals.
Here are Tansoku’s winning decks:
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In game one, played Spooky Mage against glory's Tempo Rogue. While Tansoku stalled using spells, his opponent played minions on the board and took advantage of the new Location card type. Glory also continued to go face while developing his board, forcing Tansoku to act. Although Tansoku played cards such as Magister Dawngrasp and Varden Dawngrasp to stop a bit of the bleeding, it wasn’t enough as glory achieved lethal using a Wicked Stab and a weapon to the face.

Next, it was Tansoku’s own Tempo Rogue versus glory’s Imp Warlock deck from the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion. Glory had a strong start with a Flame Imp on turn one. He then flooded the board on his next turn, bringing more imps into the fray. Tansoku swiftly cleared these with the help of Tooth of Nefarian, Wildpaw Gnoll and Shadowstep. When glory summoned more imps later on, Tansoku steadily cleared some of them before going face. Although glory played two discounted Sea Giant minions and as a consequence, Tansoku’s aggressive gameplay wasn’t punished as glory was unable to find an answer against Tansoku’s board.

How Tansoku Reached the Top
The tables turned in game three for glory’s Imp Warlock as it defeated Tansoku’s Spooky Mage. Glory built up a strong board and chipped away at Tansoku’s health total before the latter player played Varden Dawngrasp to freeze glory’s minions. To get rid of the freezes, glory played Smothering Starfish before going face. Tansoku dug for an answer, but to no avail. This game was followed by Tansoku’s own Imp Warlock against glory's Wig Priest, with both players building up their respective boards with buffed minions and Tansoku coming out on top.

When it came down to the final game between these two players, Tansoku used Spooky Mage against glory's Wig Priest. Glory committed to the board by making use of his Location cards, card draw and buffs. Meanwhile, Tansoku persisted by fighting for the board and stopping some bleeding thanks to cards such as Varden Dawngrasp and Mass Polymorph. Glory managed to buff up a sheep and hit face for massive damage, leaving Tansoku with only one health left.

After playing Brann Bronzebeard followed by Magister Dawngrasp, Tansoku turned all of glory’s minions into sheep again while gaining some armor and developing his own side of the board. This proved to be too much for glory, as he was unable to find an answer and bowed out.
With a score of 3-2, Tansoku won Hearthstone Masters Tour Murder at Castle Nathria! As always, be sure to stay tuned on Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates.