KidFive steadily climbed his way to the top and earned a total of 27 points for the Lobby Legends: Fire Festival crown!
After a weekend of duking it out against other players, KidFive won Hearthstone Battlegrounds Lobby Legends: Fire Festival! Here’s how he achieved victory!
Lobby Legends: Fire Festival
From July 9-10, the top 16 Hearthstone Battlegrounds competitors were grouped into two lobbies. Players fought in three matches per lobby, with first-place finishes receiving seven points, second place winners getting six points and so on. After the Saturday matches, the top four Lobby Legends: Fire Festival players from each group advanced to championship Sunday.

This meant day two showcased the top eight Hearthstone Battlegrounds competitors who played under the check format. KidFive was among these players alongside Satellite, Ribapusa, BeterBabbit, MXJF, Cytro, Butterfly and Alucard. Although KidFive was in the bottom half of the leaderboard during the first game of the finals, he steadily climbed his way to the top and secured a second-place finish after Alucard.
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A Steady Climb to the Top
In game two, KidFive chose Mr. Bigglesworth as his Hearthstone Battlegrounds hero. Although Kel'Thuzad’s beloved cat didn’t get him first place, KidFive still earned one point and persisted throughout the match. He then earned a few more points in the next couple of games.
Alucard was in the lead by the fifth game while BeterBabbit followed closely behind, placing the lobby under the check format. Under this format, a player had to get a minimum of 20 points and then achieve a first-place victory before obtaining the Lobby Legends crown.

For a chance to become the champion, KidFive had to earn more points and win a game. He steadily gained points in game six, securing a third-place finish after MXJF and Satellite. This meant he earned a total of 20 points, which got him that much closer to the top.
Pirates and Divine Shields for the Win
When it all came down to game seven, KidFive built up a strong board of buffed Pirate minions with the help of Lady Vashj and the Relics of the Deep hero power. KidFive chipped away at the health total of other competitors and leveraged his Divine Shields.

He fought Against Ribapusa’s own Pirates, going head-to-head in a duel of Divine Shields and minions with Poison before defeating his opponent. After taking down Ribapusa thanks to nine damage to the face, KidFive secured the winning match finish.
With a total of 27 points, he claimed the Hearthstone Battlegrounds Lobby Legends: Fire Festival crown!