The weekly Tavern Brawl is Yellow-Brick Brawl! Here are some winning deck codes.
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is here! Read on for how it works and some Yellow-Brick Brawl Tavern Brawl deck codes.
Hearthstone Yellow-Brick Brawl Tavern Brawl
The Yellow-Brick Brawl features Dorothee, who is a permanent minion on the board. Minions to her left have Charge while minions to her right have Taunt. To participate in this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, you must create a deck of 10 unique cards. These can be Wild cards as well. Each card gets three copies of itself to fill out a deck of 30.
Since the Charge and Taunt keywords are permanent, select your minions wisely so that they can make an impact. Walls of Taunt minions can prove annoying to clear by your opponent. Meanwhile, a minion that otherwise normally doesn't have Charge can push lots of damage to face.
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Yellow-Brick Brawl Tavern Brawl decks and deck codes
- BrianDeBrain's Miracle Rogue: AAEBAd75AwqzAbds9bsCz9ED7YAE9p8E958E0aMF38MFi+wFAAAA
- BenHearthstone's Beast Hunter: AAEBAda+BQrZCYEK6rsCjsMCjq0Do7kDos4Dv9MEwO0E6soFAAAA
- RecognitionRough8749's Piranha Shaman: AAEBAejwBAqJ5APq5wP67AP6tATgtQTitQS9tgTptgSKtwT0kQUAAAA=
- Ando3's Undead Priest: AAEBAafDAwqh6AOkkQWlkQWGkwWJkwXqlAX5lgWgmQWUxAWC7AUAAAA=
- TheMidnightLA's Outcast Demon Hunter: AAEBAbn5AwrI3QOzoAT5vwSIkgWPkgWUkgWkkgWkwwXh+AWongYAAAA=
Hearthstone Yellow-Brick Brawl strategy
One strategy is to get the most value out of your minions and cards as the Rogue class. In the screenshot above featuring Miracle Rogue, Edwin's Battlecry means you can keep buffing him as long as you play the next card he draws.
If you put him on the left side of your board, then he can go face for massive damage on that same turn. The minions that cost zero mana help with continuous card draws and buffs.
That's all for now, but stick around on for more news, guides, and updates!