Players tested out different Hearthstone TITANS decks during the theorycrafting event. Here are some deck codes from your favorite streamers!
Ahead of the new expansion, Hearthstone content creators and invited guests explored a bunch of new decks through the Hearthstone TITANS theorycrafting event. Read on for some Hearthstone TITANS decks and deck codes!

Hearthstone TITANS Face Hunter deck
A lot of players went live on Twitch throughout July 26 to experiment with new Hearthstone TITANS decks. One of these players was Old Guardian. He tested out a Face Hunter deck that emphasized aggressive gameplay and new cards such as Awakening Tremors into one-mana Bursting Jormungar minions.

Old Guardian was mindful of his opponent's board clear as well. To prepare for this, he used Bunch of Bananas from Festival of Legends to buff his minions out of Hell Fire's range of damage.
- Old Guardian's Face Hunter: AAECAR8C/vgF1/kFDoiyBMDTBLjjBMHjBMzkBNDkBKqkBeT1BZf2BZn2Bcj2BdL4BeT4BbCeBgA=

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Mech Paladin board control for the win
Meanwhile, Zeddy experimented with a Hearthstone TITANS Mech Paladin deck. This involved the use of Inventor’s Aura for mana discounts plus the Magnetize mechanic for buffs.

This deck also allowed Zeddy to discover cards thanks to minions such as Amalgam of the Deep and Gorillabot A-3. Meanwhile, Click-Clocker provided a quick buff while Bubblebot's Divine Shields made minions stick on the board longer.
- Zeddy's Mech Paladin: AAECAZ8FBLCyBObkBdj2Bbn6BQ2StQThtQTUvQSywQTa0wTZ0AWO9QWV9QXn/QWG/gWI/gW5/gWG/wUA

OTK Shaman and more Hearthstone TITANS deck codes
As for Luna, she put her OTK Shaman deck to the test. This Hearthstone TITANS deck involved the Overload mechanic, Nature spells, plus new cards such as Golganneth, the Thunderer and Thorim, Stormlord.
- Luna's OTK Shaman: AAECAaoIBv2fBPy0BL7QBbLRBY31BcL5BQz5nwTgtQS22QTE0AX26AXN7gWl9QXK+AXL+AWH+wW/ngbmngYA

Here are some more decks to try out — courtesy of Blizzard's Hearthstone team:
- FUU Mill Death Knight: AAECAZOOBgKT+wXt/wUOuLYE7eME8OME0e0Eh/YEsvcE8OgF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8F+4AG+IIGAAA=
- Relic Demon Hunter: AAECAea5AwbG+QWogAaq3QT+vwSs0QXHsgQMw/kFxfkF9/kFheUEi5IFr94EquIEsN4EtKAEnaQF4fgFmoAGAAA=
- Treants Druid: AAECAZICBOH9BeH9BdefBNefBA2YgAaw+gWn/gXZ/wWsngay3QSunwSozgTO5AX53wW14wT93wWxmAUAAA==
- Small Beast Hunter: AAECAR8AD7/TBLjjBMHjBMDtBKqkBebKBZf2BZv2Bcj2BdL4BeT4BZ32BeT1BczkBNDkBAAA
- Rainbow Burn Mage: AAECAf0EBOv0BdH4BaneBOKkBQ2//gXY/gXL/gXs9gWk/wWt7QWCkwWqmAWrmAWAwgXb3gSEkwX8ngQAAA==
- Resurrect Earthen Paladin: AAECAZ8FCrCyBK+TBeKkBazRBYv+BY3+BeOABtiBBuq5BOOABgrunwSNlgX26AXu6QW/7QWH/gWK/gXCggb4lAbPngYAAA==
- Pogo Priest: AAECAa0GBs/2BdiBBtj2Bey6BLieBq//BQzt9wWm8QW/7QXjgAakkQW7xwWGgwWtigTk0AT7+AX28QSitgQAAA==
- Mech Rogue: AAECAaIHBtj2Bbb2BeigBebkBey6BNi2BAzhtQTZ0AWVqgWywQS5/gXBwwXn/QWStQTPyAXm+gXV9gX7/AUAAA==
- Burst of Nature Shaman: AAECAaoIBML5BY31Bfy0BK+fBA3K+AXN7gX5nwT6nwTE0AXmngaH+wXL+AWl9QXAngb9nwT26AXB+QUAAA==
- Shellfish Warlock: AAECAaPDAwL5xgXt/QUO56AEuLYEtO0EwJIF9ZwFyOsF9fgF+vkF1/oF7v0F8YAG+IIGz54G16IGAAA=
That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more Hearthstone news and updates!