All you need to know about the new Hearthstone TITANS expansion’s lore!
Hearthstone’s TITANS expansion builds upon lore that includes a fan-favorite World of Warcraft raid, Ulduar. The largest Titan facility in Azeroth was built to imprison Yogg-Saron, the Old God of RNG. Hence the set’s free Legendary is none other than the Prison of Yogg-Saron!
Let's continue to examine this expansion’s Legendaries through the lens of lore. Half of them possess the Titan keyword, so let us explore what Titans are as well.
What are Titans?
Titans are cosmic beings born out of the primordial matter of the World of Warcraft universe. Their spirits are world souls that form the core of planets. They nurture and infuse said planets before they finally awaken. Titans’ lifeblood is Arcane magic, as exemplified by Azeroth’s original Well of Eternity! By contrast, Fel magic is their Kryptonite.
But enough about World of Warcraft. What about the Titan keyword in Hearthstone?
Minions with the Titan keyword have three powerful abilities that they use instead of their first three attacks. Each ability can only be chosen once, and once all three abilities are used, the Titan can attack normally.
We will take a look at Legendaries from each class. Typically, each Titan has a keeper that was forged with their likeness and powers. The official lore post is solely about Titans, so we shall augment that information by highlighting their relation with the keepers and other existing cards.
Death Knight
The Primus is an Eternal One and not a Titan, per se. Lore only hints towards a Death Titan. Therefore, the rulers of Shadowlands are the deathly equivalent to the Pantheon of Titans.
Furthermore, the outcast titan-forged watcher Helya serves as Death Knight’s improvised keeper. She came to rule the underworld after a falling out with her adoptive father, actual keeper Odyn. Before that, the two ripped the Halls of Valor section out of the Titan facility known as Ulduar.

Demon Hunter: Some questionable Hearthstone TITANS lore
From one outcast to another, we move to Demon Hunter where we encounter the supposed Death Titan, Argus, the Emerald Star. The lore does a bit of foreshadowing here. Corrupted so that the eponymous planet becomes the respawn point of Sargeras’ Demon armies, Argus is the Demon Hunter Titan in Hearthstone.
Jotun, the Eternal is a watcher that bears a titanic curse. He must attack any ally of his former friend, Tyr. This resembles the Demon Hunter's plight.

Druid for life!
Eonar, the Life-Binder, represents nature, healing, and the desire to protect and nurture life. These attributes represent the Druid Titan. She bestowed Freya, Keeper of Nature with power upon flora and fauna. Freya created the Emerald Dream, which is a Druid haven and the verdant realm of Ysera, Unleashed.

Hunter: Another interesting Hearthstone TITANS lore choice
Aggramar, the Avenger’s offensive nature makes him the Hunter Titan, despite his loyalty and forging of Tyr endearing him to Paladins.
Due to Hodir, Father of Giants’ affiliation with Frost in a non-Magic context, the keeper is a reasonable fit for Hunter and his Ice Trap and Freezing Trap.

Mage masters the Arcane
Norgannon cataloged all of magic in the universe in an attempt to harness it against threats. His Arcane powers and link with Malygos, Aspect of Magic means he's the Mage Titan.

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Shaman gets a flavorful Titan
Golganneth, the Thunderer rules over skies and oceans. Shaping the landscape in the Pantheon’s will, he shares a special bond with sea giants. Who else likes giants? Well, Evolve Shamans.

Paladin keeper explains Silver Hand origins
The keeper Tyr is a Paladin minion. After Galakrond devoured his hand, Tyr replaced it with a silver hand. This sacrifice inspired an Order of Knights, hence the Silver Hand Recruits spawned by the Paladin Hero Power. That’s some S-tier lore, to quote the keeper’s flavor text.
By contrast, not much is known about Amitus, the Peacekeeper. Not even by her fellow Titans, as she disappears without warning. A character unique to Hearthstone, we look forward to her development.

Aman’thul was the first Titan to awaken, which is quite ironic since Priest mirrors were considered a snoozefest. He discovered, nurtured, and awakened other world souls to rally them towards universal order. Yep, Discover and Rally sound like Priest themes!
Ra-den, also known as Highkeeper Ra, was the keeper that extracted the lingering power and spirit of Aman’Thul. This explains his link with the Priest Titan, despite wielding a thunderous Shaman weapon, The Fist of Ra-den.

Rogue: A Titan you can't spell for a class with cheap spells
V-07-TR-0N Prime has come a long way since appearing as the final form of Mimiron’s Head. The card was the definition of a jank Legendary. Now this construct acts as a Titan in Hearthstone lore.
By contrast, Mimiron is closer to Hunters in World of Warcraft lore. He forged Azeroth’s first firearm, Titanstrike. The Mech also helps Hunter players reunite with Spirit Beast pet Hati, companion of fellow keeper Thorim.

Warlock: Sargeras winning hearts and Hearthstone TITANS packs
Sargeras, the Destroyer follows a Lucifer-esque arc. Once the mightiest of Titans, he eventually turns against his comrades. He then releases the very demons he imprisoned, forming the Burning Legion. This makes him the perfect Warlock candidate due to his connection to the Twisting Nether.
One caveat, though: his motivation is cleansing the world of Void corruption and is triggered by Old Gods. Is it too much to ask for a special voice line when played by the N’zoth Warlock skin?
Warrior: "For Khaz Modan!"
Khaz’goroth masters earth and forging. The titan-forged keepers received his fabled hammer to shape the planet. Dwarves named their home Khaz Modan, Mountain of Khaz, in honor of their titan-forged heritage as well. This Titan’s Warrior affiliation fits nicely with the Magni Bronzebeard skin, as his starting screen sound screams “For Khaz Modan!”

Honorable Hearthstone TITANS lore mention
Algalon the Observer serves as Azeroth’s celestial guardian and watcher. When summoned, he conducts calculations and analyses to determine the world’s condition. Therefore, Algalon’s Vision is a Hero Power that can analyze the opponent’s top deck before potentially moving it to the bottom.

Speaking of top decks, Hearthstone’s TITANS expansion is close to getting in our hands, which means more reveals and theorycrafting. New cards will be shown and new deck archetypes will be created soon.
Stay tuned to our Hearthstone news and guides section to be the first to know about them. Make sure to visit for all the latest esports news as well. See you next time in the Tavern!