Get your daily Salt dose with these 5 Hearthstone streamers embracing the tilt and turning it into entertainment

Check your blood pressure before entering. Today we will talk about Hearthstone’s saltiest streamers. Which one is your favorite?

There are many Hearthstone streamers out there, but not everyone has mastered the Saltiness. Turning a low roll into entertainment is a fine art that some have developed into a personal brand. If you enjoy crazy outcomes and salty reactions, you should definitely check these Hearthstone Streamers if you aren’t a fan already.

Top 5 most Saltiest Hearthstone Streamers

Kripp, the Salt King

Kripparian has been one of Hearthstone’s top streamers forever. On top of his prolific streamer career, Kripp is also the most influential player in Hearthstone history. He has switched between several game modes. Recognized by his excellent Arena skills, and then by his Battlegrounds content, Kripp had a constant along with his career, saltiness. 

There is a legend that says that the Battlegrounds original Deck Tracker was born to fact-check Kripps salty complaints to even 100% loss scenarios. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but it fits the narrative. Not every Hearthstone Streamer has a YouTube channel dedicated to his salty moments!

Saltymeeter: 9/10

Sunglitters, the best in tha world

Still in the Battlegrounds department, we find another Hearthstone streamer famous for her high pitch malding. Also known for her high-level gameplay, Sunglitters has made a great streaming career in Hearthstone. Sunglitters is a person of extremes, with engaging Twitter content, but not much patience.

Diablo might be Sunglitters’ worst enemy, but it’s not the only one. Losing favorables is an unpleasant situation, but if that happens to Sun, at least chat will be entertained. Just, remember to check your volume levels.

Voicemeeter: 10/10

Rdu and the Romanian Salt Mines

The last stop of this Hearthstone Battlegrounds salty streamers train couldn’t be other than the Romanian Salt Mines. RDU is an established Hearthstone streamer who has excelled in both Constructed and BGs, but we can’t avoid talking about his tilt capacity. To be clear, it is not that I like RDU suffering, but it’s undeniable how much Twitch chat enjoys it.

Be careful while consuming RDU streams, these levels of saltiness might raise your blood pressure to the moon.

Desk endurance: 10/10

Cam resistance: 2/10

LanguageClapper, I mean, Languagehacker

Switching to constructed gameplay, we can’t skip Languagehacker. He might not be one of the biggest Hearthstone streamers, however, thanks to the competitive exposure he built his clapping brand. Languagehacker doesn’t just tilt, he goes one step further and turns it into part of the show with his classic clapping.

Backing this poll, I know firsthand about a Hearthstone community that glorifies Languagehacker’s clapping reactions on stream, having even gifts about it. Grandmasters might have ended, but fortunately for Twitch Chat, we will never run out of Arena highrollers or crazy rng outcomes in constructed. 

Sarcasm: 9/10

Zeddy, the Hearthstone's saltiest streamer?

We couldn't end this list without naming one of Hearthstone’s saltiest streamers, Zeddy. If we were to give merits, Zeddy would get an honorable mention since his saltines know no limits. He streams every Hearthstone mode that exists and even goes thru the pain of completing 100% of the game achievements. 

Zeddy one of Hearthstone's Saltiest streamers
Zeddy one of Hearthstone's Saltiest streamers

You only need to look at his YouTube thumbnails and you will feel the saltiness to a level that you will get thirsty. Every game needs a loud voice, and the community seems to support Zeddy in his saltiness. His channel has seen an astronomic growth during the past year and the trend doesn't seem to be stopping soon.

Click-bait skills: 10/10

The origins of Hearthstone Salty Streamers

This is the end of this Salty Hearthstone Streamer list. I hope you enjoyed this colorful article. But, before I go, I couldn't end this article without mentioning Reynad, one of the saltiest, I mean most influential Hearthstone personalities ever. Time will tell if his new Bazaar card game will be a salt-free environment. 

That is all for now, make sure to follow these amazing streamers and stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. As Zeddy says, stay salty my friends.