Hearthstone Rewards Track and Tavern Pass for Festival of Legends

Hearthstone’s Rewards Track and Tavern Pass announce their lineup for Festival of Legends. Check out the latest loot!

With just one week left until Hearthstone’s new expansion, Festival of Legends, releases we're receiving a glimpse into the refreshed Rewards Track and Tavern Pass. While you can still level up on the old track until April 11, March of the Lich King achievements have stopped yielding experience. Of course you can’t gain March XP anymore, it’s April! That is officially our last March of the Lich King pun, Festival season awaits.

Speaking of the old track, some players might have been hoarding their portrait achievement, hoping for the addition of a Death Knight skin. With the expansion launch, everyone will receive any unclaimed reward straightaway. Associate writer Nicholas “DeckTech” Weiss provided another update on portraits for the latest class.

Soon™, but keeping track of time is nobody’s strong suit, so we’re here to help. Here’s a nifty expansion launch timer, so you can get lost in the Festival music and still know when it’s out in your time zone.

Festival of Legends Hearthstone Rewards Track

There’s Gold to be earned, as always, but you’re here for the shinies, aren’t you? The free Rewards Track will grant the following loot:

  • Two Random Legendary Cards
  • One Random Epic Card
  • Pozzik, Audio Engineer Uncraftable Legendary 
  • 14 Uncraftable Golden cards
  • 8 Standard Packs
  • 3 Festival of Legends Packs (all within the first 9 levels!)
  • 3 Tavern Tickets
  • The Halveria Card Back
  • Hero Skin Choice (at level 100)

As mentioned above, no news on when Death Knight skins will be available on the track. All the Uncraftable cards on the Rewards Track will trigger Hearthstone’s new and improved duplicate protection system. If you already own their Normal versions, you may reroll to get another Normal card.

Free Rewards Track loot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Free Rewards Track loot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Festival of Legends Tavern Pass 

Similar to VIP tickets at festivals, the paid Hearthstone Tavern Pass can augment your Festival of Legends experience. It grants the usual 10% experience bonus, which turns into 15% at level 20 and into 20% after Level 70. The Tavern Pass also provides the following Uncraftable cosmetic rewards.

  • Diamond Heartbreaker Hedanis Legendary
  • Golden E.T.C., Band Manager
  • Golden Pozzik, Audio Engineer
  • Two Golden Crowd Surfer Epic cards
  • Two Signature Heartthrob Epic cards
  • New! Two Golden Standard Packs
  • Two Signature Snakebite Rare cards
  • Two Signature Hipster Common cards
  • Battle of the Bands Card Back
  • Hero Skins for each class
Tavern Pass Rewards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Tavern Pass Rewards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Diamond cards and Coins for Festival of Legends

Progression on the Hearthstone Rewards Track will also yield two Diamond cards. While Heartbreaker Hedanis will break the hearts of Free to Play adepts by being tied to the paid Tavern Pass, Halveria Darkraven will be granted through the collector achievement.

Heartbreaker Hedanis (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Heartbreaker Hedanis (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Halveria Darkraven (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Halveria Darkraven (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As for coins, the vinyl one stays true to its name. Since vinyl records’ primary audience are true aficionados and hipsters, it makes sense that the Vinyl Coin can only be found on the Tavern Pass side of Hearthstone's Rewards Track. Otherwise, the Festival Coin can be obtained after owning 145 expansion cards.

Vinyl Coin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Vinyl Coin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Festival Coin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Festival Coin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The last coin is easy to acquire when factoring in the upcoming mini-set. While patience is key, if you are looking for a head start, the guide below will help you ramp up your collection with free packs.

Speaking of the card collection, this month also marks the yearly set rotation. As expansions from 2021 move to Wild, you might want to refresh your memory on what cards are staying in Standard, including the Core Set updates.

Be our guest and explore the Hearthstone news and guides section for other related info. We also cover wider esports news on esports.gg. See you at the Festival of Legends!