Hearthstone patch 29.4 features new Mini-Set, balance updates, and more

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s everything to know about the next Hearthstone update.

The next Hearthstone patch will launch on May 14 and feature the brand-new Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set, balance changes, and more. Read on for the Hearthstone patch 29.4 notes and details.

Toysnatching Geist in Hearthstone patch 29.4 (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Toysnatching Geist in Hearthstone patch 29.4 (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone patch 29.4 welcomes Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set

Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set will launch in the next Hearthstone patch on May 14. This Mini-Set will feature 38 new cards, including four legendaries, one epic, 17 rares, and 16 commons. It will also feature the new Gigantify keyword. A card with Gigantify will add an 8-mana 8/8 version of itself to the player's hand.

Hearthstone patch 29.4 notes nerfs (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone patch 29.4 notes nerfs (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone patch 29.4 notes

In terms of upcoming balance changes, the Hearthstone patch notes revealed that the game will nerf Saddle Up! and Deepminer Brann. While Saddle Up! will go from a 3-mana Hunter spell to a 4-mana one, Warrior minion Deepminer Bran will cost 8 mana instead of 6 mana. There will be a hotfix after players test out the Mini-Set cards and explore the new meta as well.

Dr. Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys event teaser (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Dr. Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys event teaser (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Arena patch notes and in-game event

For those who play Hearthstone's Arena mode, the new season will start on May 14. While the draft pools and rules will still be the same, cards from the new Mini-Set will be in the pool.

Next, Hearthstone will get the Dr. Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys as an in-game event. This will go on from May 21 to June 11, according to Blizzard.

Whizbang’s Heroes will arrive in June (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Whizbang’s Heroes will arrive in June (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Twist: Whizbang’s Heroes

Next, the upcoming Hearthstone Twist season will be Whizbang’s Heroes. This will arrive in June instead. The new season will feature new heroes. Each of them will get their own pre-constructed deck, hero power, and passive effect. The launch will have 19 hero options in total, as listed below.

  1. Illidan Stormrage
  2. Al’Akir the Windlord
  3. Arch-Villain Rafaam
  4. Leeroy Jenkins
  5. Kael’Thas Sunstrider
  6. C’Thun
  7. Nozdormu
  8. The Lich King
  9. Xyrella
  10. Patches the Pirate
  11. Sir Finley Mrrgglton
  12. King Krush
  13. Forest Warden Omu
  14. Dr. Boom
  15. Zul’jin
  16. N’Zoth, the Corruptor
  17. Brann Bronzebeard
  18. Guff Runetotem
  19. Arfus

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!