Try out these not-so-popular decks that performed exceptionally well in the Maw and Disorder Hearthstone Masters Tour.
Hearthstone fans saw, this weekend, the Maw and Disorder Masters Tour, and today I wanted to highlight some decks that made it to the Top 8. Everyone knows that Beast Hunter is one of the best decks in Hearthstone, but what hidden gems can we find in the Masters' Tour Top 8 line-ups? Let's find out.
Hearthstone Masters Tour Maw and Disorder details
Furyhunter, from Max Team, won the last Masters Tour event in 2022, reaffirming his incredible moment. By winning the $250,000 tournament, the danish player not only cashed $25,000 in prizes but also secured his spot in the Fall Championship.
This seasonal event will grant 4 invites to the Hearthstone World Championship in December. But in this article, we want to talk about some interesting deck choices that made it to the Top 8 of Maw and Disorder Hearthstone Masters Tour.
Hearthstone Masters Tour top 8 decks
To no one's surprise, Beast Hunter was the most represented deck in the tournament, with 8 out of 10 players including it in their line-ups. However, we could also spot some out-of-the-box deck choices that made it into the Hearthstone Masters Tour Top 8.
Hearthstone deck spotlight: Furyhunter choices
Furyhunter is a combo player, and no Theotar can change that. The Hearthstone Masters Tour double champion couldn't resist the temptation of bringing his beloved Boar Priest deck. This combo deck has a high skill cap. It's not easy to play, less so on stream. However, Furyhunter believed in this Boar Priest deck and, with it, won the Maw and Disorder Hearthstone Masters Tour.
"Sometimes you have to do really insane APM turns, and that can be really nerve fragging on stream."
Furyhunter's Boar Priest: AAECAa0GBNTtA+iLBImyBPnbBA2Z6wOH9wPT+QOMgQStigTLoASEowSKowSitgSktgT00wSh1AT28QQA

Furyhunter's Ping Mage: AAECAf0EBtjsA53uA6CKBOWwBJjUBKneBAzU6gPS7APT7APW7AOogQSfkgShkgT8ngTK3gTb3gSCkwWEkwUA
On top of his combo signature deck, Furyhunter took an alternative approach in his Hearthstone Masters Tour line-up, bringing a 30-card Ping Mage. This deck cuts Renathal to gain consistency and plans to be the aggressor from start to finish. Lots of card-draw, the ping win condition with Dawngrasp and Mordresh, and some extra reach with Frozen Touch. If this deck won the Hearthstone Maw and Disorder MT, it's worth giving it a try.
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Hearthstone Masters Tour deck highlight: Priest lovers
While the most popular Priest decks in this Hearthstone Masters Tour were the Boon and Naga versions, two other archetypes shined. Thief and XL Quest Priest had good runs, making it to the final stages. I know I've already covered Board Priest, but let's be sincere, Priest lovers are more control players than combo players. Am I wrong, WickedGood?
LandroLeal XL Quest Priest: AAECAaSrBAyZ6wPU7QOm7wPd9gOH9wPoiwSLowTUrATWrASotgS42QSX7wQOmusDjIEErYoEoY0E8J8EiKMEiqMEobYE+dsEuNwEutwEkt8EhoMFhqQFAA==

IDLE Thief Priest AAECAdG+BRCZ6wOa6wOe6wPU7QOH9wPoiwSLowTWrAShtgSotgSY1AS42QTF5ASX7wS/8ASIpAUMjIEEvp8E8J8EiqME1KwElrcE8tsE+dsEuNwEutwE/u4EhoMFAA==
I know that XL Quest Priest isn't a new deck, but making it to the finals of a Masters Tour gives it some recognition. On top of that Quest version from LeandroLeal, the Hearthstone Masters Tour saw IDLE bringing a Thief Priest deck. With a control shell, the deck relied on the opponent's deck to find extra tools to copy or even steal with the new Harvester of Envy legendary.
Paladin's comeback?
The Paladin class has been in the Hearthstone dumpster for a while, and it was a surprise that 4 players that made it into the Top 8 choose to include the deck. Some could argue that none of them made it past that instance, but having a 50% representation in final instances means that there is potential there.
Gregoriusil XL Control Paladin: AAECAZ8FDPvoA5HsA9n5A7eABL+ABOCLBLCyBMeyBOnQBLjZBJfvBKTvBA7M6wPw9gOL+AOljQTunwTJoATQrASWtwTeuQTi0wTa2QSA4gS/4gTA4gQA

Yes. A Jailer Paladin deck made it into the Hearthstone Maw and Disorder Masters Tour top 8. While the card saw some inclusions in Druid too, Paladin took it as its primary game plan and win condition. With the idea of tutoring it with Order in the Court, this archetype went all in with The Jailer. Other less adventurous Hearthstone pro-players opted for the XL Control Paladin for this Masters Tour and also got to the Top 8.
Before trying these decks in the Hearthstone ladder, beware they are tailored for tournament play. This means that players bringing them had a ban in mind and might have chosen to cut some cards that could be useful in those matchups.
Moreover, they could also have selected them as part of a targeted strategy. These kinds of line-ups often include sub-optimal ladder decks that can defeat other popular and expected decks, a strategy especially useful under the Hearthstone Conquest format the MT was played in.
That being said, Hearthstone is still a game, and you should play the decks you enjoy the most, after all, the Masters Tour has already ended. If you want to check out more lists, feel free to visit d0nkey's site for deck codes and stats or WickedGood Off Curve MT stats. Those are great places to understand what happened in this last tournament.
That is all for now, but stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the tavern.