Hearthstone fixed the Evolve Shaman bug that allowed players to easily summon Neptulon the Tidehunter.
Blazing Transmutation on Goldshire Gnoll for a Neptulon the Tidehunter is over for Evolve Shaman decks in Hearthstone. Read on for details.

Evolve Shaman Colossal bug
A few days after launching the Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set, Blizzard implemented Hearthstone patch 25.4.1. This update resulted in no more Colossal minions for players to discover after casting Blazing Transmutation on a minion.
"Fixed a bug where Colossal minions were in the Blazing Transmutation Discover pool," Blizzard wrote in a post.
Blazing Transmutation, Gnoll, and Neptulon
This bug allowed Hearthstone players to cheat out a big minion without the need for a lot of mana. For example, if you had Goldshire Gnoll in your hand and increased the number of cards at hand, then the minion received a significant mana reduction.
By playing the new Blazing Transmutation spell from the Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set, it was possible for the Goldshire Gnoll to transform into a Colossal minion. Neptulon the Tidehunter was among this pool of minions that originated from the Voyage to the Sunken City expansion.

A Colossal minion such as Neptulon the Tidehunter gave players a significant advantage since it summoned extra minions alongside itself. This card, in particular, summoned two appendages. Players also took advantage of Neptulon the Tidehunter's Rush and Windfury keywords.
To top it all off, whenever the minion attacked, if you controlled any of Neptulon's Hands, then those attacked instead. These two appendages were especially difficult to go up against because they had immunity while attacking an enemy.

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Hearthstone hotfix in 25.4.1 patch notes
Hearthstone players were quick to notice this update as well. Zeddy, for example, posted about it on Twitter. Meanwhile, players mentioned the Evolve Shaman bug on Reddit and pointed out other bug fixes.
"No more Neptulons from Gnolls, Thaddius is more likely now," Zeddy wrote on Twitter. "Curious to see how this plays out but obviously happy to see this fixed."
In addition to the Colossal change, some of the other Hearthstone bug fixes included the following:
- Fixed a bug where Colossal minions were in the Blazing Transmutation Discover pool.
- Fixed a bug preventing multiple Haunting Nightmares from haunting the same card.
- Fixed a bug where Vengeful Walloper’s cost reduction could be negated by Silencing Outcast minions in play.
- Fixed a bug where the Rivendare Warrider tokens did not check whether they themselves have died when their Deathrattle triggered.
- Fixed a visual bug with Shadowed Spirit’s Deathrattle effect.
That's all for now. Stay tuned on Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates.