Hearthstone announces Heroes of StarCraft, Year of the Raptor expansions, and more

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

It’s about time. Blizzard has revealed the Hearthstone Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set for The Great Dark Beyond.

Hearthstone is known for featuring characters from the beloved Warcraft universe, but during the Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct event, Blizzard revealed that the card game is going to expand even further with Hearthstone: Heroes of StarCraft — The Great Dark Beyond’s Mini-Set! The Warcraft Direct event also revealed the rest of the Hearthstone 2025 roadmap, which includes three new expansions plus Mini-Sets galore. Read on for details.

Hearthstone x Starcraft (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone x Starcraft (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Heroes of StarCraft release date

The next Hearthstone Mini-Set is Heroes of StarCraft, and it's set to release in early 2025. According to Blizzard, this set within The Great Dark Beyond includes 49 new cards plus three StarCraft-themed factions. These factions are the Zerg, Protoss, and Terran.

Hearthstone Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set factions (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set factions (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The Great Dark Beyond Mini-Set explained

Each of these StarCraft factions in Hearthstone have cards that can be used across multiple classes. There are also hero cards involved in all of this. For example, the Zergs pertain to Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock. These classes are led by Sarah Kerrigan and have cards suited for aggo gameplay via swarming the board.

Zerg faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Zerg faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Meanwhile, the Protoss faction features Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue being led by High Templar Artanis. These classes make use of high-mana cards that can be discounted throughout a match.

Protoss faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Protoss faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Of course, let's not forget about the Terran. This Hearthstone StarCraft faction is represented by the Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior classes. Their leader is none other than Jim Raynor. "They will command Battlecruisers — a special take on the Starship mechanic from The Great Dark Beyond," Blizzard explained.

Terran faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Terran faction and classes in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone StarCraft classes and factions

StarCraft Faction
Hearthstone Classes
Faction Leader/Hero Card
What to Expect
ZergDeath Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, WarlockSarah KerriganAggro, swarm
ProtossDruid, Mage, Priest, RogueHigh Templar ArtanisHigh-cost cards for less mana
TerranPaladin, Shaman, WarriorJim RaynorBattlecruisers/Starship mechanic

Hearthstone roadmap 2025

As for the rest of Hearthstone's 2025 roadmap, Year of the Raptor features the Into the Emerald Dream, The Shrouded City, and The Heroes of Time expansions. Of course, within each of these expansions are Mini-Set as well. They are Druids of the Flame, Festival of Devilsaur, and The End of Time respectively. For Hearthstone Battlegrounds fans, Year of the Raptor also includes Battlegrounds Seasons 10, 11, and 12.

New Hearthstone expansions and Mini-Sets in 2025 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
New Hearthstone expansions and Mini-Sets in 2025 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone expansions 2025

Year of the Raptor Expansion
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season/Mini-Set
Release Date
Into the Emerald DreamBattlegrounds Season 10

-Druids of the Flame Mini-Set
Hearthstone patch 32.2 (Battlegrounds Season 10)

Hearthstone patch 32.2 (Druids of the Flame Mini-Set)
The Shrouded CityBattlegrounds Season 11

Festival of Devilsaur Mini-Set
Hearthstone patch 33.2 (Battlegrounds Season 11)

-Hearthstone patch 33.4 (Festival of Devilsaur Mini-Set)
The Heroes of Time Battlegrounds Season 12

The End of Time Mini-Set
Hearthstone patch 34.2 (Battlegrounds Season 12)

Hearthstone patch 34.4 (The End of Time Mini-Set)

Hearthstone Underground Arena explained

In addition to the content featured in the 2025 Hearthstone roadmap, Blizzard also revealed that the Arena game mode is getting a significant overhaul. Instead of just one version of Hearthstone Arena, the mode is getting Normal Arena for quick runs and Underground Arena for more competitive players. The latter version has the new Re-Draft on Loss feature that allows a player to re-draft cards and edit their deck after a loss.

"Ratings will also be added to both Normal and Underground Arena," Blizzard explained. "Normal, skill-based matchmaking will be used for Normal Arena. Underground Arena throws caution to the wind and lets you face off against opponents of all skill levels."

Hearthstone Underground Arena release date

This competitive version of Hearthstone Arena is launching in the first half of 2025.

That's all for now. Are you ready for another year of Hearthstone shenanigans? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!