Hearthstone Patch 24.6 Notes Reveals: March of the Lich King, Death Knights, Hallow’s End Event, and Battlegrounds Cosmetics!
Hearthstone Patch 24.6 launching today, is a massive update to the game kicking off the long awaited Hallow’s End event! Reintroducing Knights of the Frozen Throne to the Core Set for a limited time. Paving the way for Hearthstone’s new Death Knight class and next expansion: March of the Lich King!
If you’re looking for an extended brief on the new mechanics announced by the Dev Team, Amy Chen has published an article showcasing the new Death Knight Class.
Be sure to check that out so you can get a better understanding on what the Hearthstone 24.6 Patch will be adding to the game right now!
Hearthstone 24.6 patch introduce March of the Lich King preorders
The first update announced in the Hearthstone 24.6 Patch Notes is the prerelease of the next expansion: March of the Lich King! There are 145 new cards in all, not including at least 38 additional cards to be released in a mini-set.
As always there will be the March of the Lich King Mega-Bundle. Included are 80 standard packs, Five Signature packs with a higher chance of receiving new custom art cards, Two Signature Legendaries, a Lor’themar Theron Hunter Hero Portrait, and the Path of Arthas Death Knight Expansion. Including 49 new Death Knight cards; 26 of which are unobtainable via opening packs.
Furthermore, the Hearthstone 24.6 patch also brings a regular pre-order bundle of 50 packs. Like the Mega-Bundle, the pre-orders are 100% focus in constructed gameplay. You can check them out in Blizzard's shop.
Channel the Sunwell for Free!
Once Hearthstone Patch 24.6 is live, log in to Hearthstone and you will receive The Sunwell spell for free! This is Hearthstone's first neutral legendary spell. A new nine Mana spell that allows you to gather an abundance of new resources based on your hand size!

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New Hearthstone Cosmetic in 24.6 patch: Legendary Hero Skins!
The Hearthstone 24.6 Patch also adds new Legendary Hero Skins to the game. Featuring brand new intro sequences and Hero Power animations and new voicelines. It additionally replaces your hero frame and portrait with a completely 3D character model! These also have custom character animations for a variety of actions, like attacking, summoning minions, casting spells, emotes, and more.

To commemorate the release of the new Death Knight class, the first Legendary Hero Skin will be Arthas Menethil shown above. It will be included in a new bundle pre-released on November 8th.
Hearthstone Events Update: Hallows End & The Return of Knights of the Frozen Throne!
Available right now with the download of the new Hearthstone 24.6 Patch, the long awaited Hallow’s End annual event has been released. With this event also comes the return of Knights of the Frozen Throne into the core set. This will be for a limited time only so don't miss the chance!
If you are looking for advanced information regarding some of the cards from that set, Rane has already covered that in a prior post.
The Journal to reflect when events such as Hallow’s End, Lunar New Year or the July Fire Festival take place has been updated. Adding a new column in the journal, altering its appearance in the main menu throughout the year to ensure players are up to date on events occurring.
Using Knights of the Frozen Throne cards will allow you to complete the Hallow’s End Quests; receiving many exciting rewards including custom Battlegrounds emotes, special card packs, and a limited-time Tyrande Banshee Priest skin!
The Knights of Hallow’s End Event will last for two weeks after the launch of Hearthstone Patch 24.6. Knights of the Frozen Throne will be part of the Core Set from the launch of Hearthstone Patch 24.6. The cards will stay in standard until March of the Lich King launches on December 6!
If you are looking for additional updates surrounding Battlegrounds, Mercenaries and Arena be sure to stay tuned as we continue to expand upon the gargantuan detail the 24.6 Hearthstone Patch introduces to the game over the next few days! Additionally, you can also check the official Hearthstone blog post.
Stay Engaged with Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates, and remember that Frostmourne always Hungers for More!!