Hearthstone players tested out new decks during the Festival of Legends theorycrafting event. Here are some Festival of Legends deck codes!
The Festival of Legends expansion release date is April 11! Before this launch, invited Hearthstone players got to test out different decks and participate in theorycrafting livestreams. Read on for some event highlights and some Festival of Legends deck codes!

Players such as Jeffrey "Trump" Shih, Jaromír "Jarla" Vyskočil, and Old_Guardian went live on Twitch with new decks on April 5. Some content creators also had Mega Bundle giveaways during their livestreams.
Festival of Legends deck codes
After testing out the Warrior class first, Trump went into his Festival of Legends Control Warlock deck and strategy. Featured cards included The Jailer and Mal'Ganis alongside minions to help him reach that end point.
- Trump's Control Warlock: AAECAf0GCKiKBIOgBPXHBKbvBP3EBfnGBcjHBcWeBguPnwSxnwTnoASlkgWfpAWBrQXMxAX0xgXI6wXPngbXogYAAQPlsAT9xAW42QT9xAXN0AX9xAUAAA==
"This deck idea is pretty simple. It's got a lot of healing, it's got a lot of minion removal," Trump said. "It's gonna use that healing and minion removal to stay alive until it can play The Jailer, which makes my minions immune. And then it plays Mal'Ganis, which makes my hero immune. And then I'm invincible!"

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Meanwhile, Jarla showcased his Wake Up to Hero Power Druid deck. This one featured Anub'Rekhan, which synergized well with the Druid's Shapeshift hero power. Anub'Rekhan made the next three minions during a turn cost armor instead of mana.
- Jarla's Hero Power Druid: AAECAZICBJbUBL6YBargBameBg2unwTanwT/vQSuwATV3QTB3wS3mAW8mAXuowX93wWK4AWR4AWp4AUA

As for Old_Guardian, he represented the Warrior class. One of the decks he tested out was a meme deck that relied on the Tony, King of Piracy, The Fires of Zin-Azshari, and Steamcleaner combo.
- Old_Guardian's Tony Warrior: AAECAQcEqIoEl6AE/+EEzdAFDYigBImgBLi3BI7UBJDUBKSlBffBBerQBevQBezQBbTRBbT4BbX4BQA=

More Festival of Legends decks galore
Here are some more decks to try out during the theorycrafting event or when the expansion launches, courtesy of Blizzard's Hearthstone team. Of course, players can make card adjustments as the meta changes throughout the new expansion.
- Handbuff Death Knight: AAECAfHhBAKqigTY9gUOnMcEnNQEy+IEkuQEmPYEsvcEs/cEuf8E8cIFy8QF2MYFlMoF0NAF1tAFAAA=
- Fatigue Imp Warlock: AAECAf0GBJvkBMOkBfTGBfnGBQ2EoATmoAT60wT/2QSA2gSB2gSr6gTHwgXIwgXdwgXmxQXEngbXogYAAA==
- Totem Shaman: AAECAaoICLHZBLbtBP3EBbjFBc/IBfTIBcKeBteiBgv6tASywQSG1ASq2QS23AS95QSVqgWWtwXW0AXa0AXBngYAAQPy3QT9xAXmngb9xAXXogb9xAUAAA==
- Pirate Rogue: AAECAaIHBKaKBMygBevDBbjFBQ2toASKsASKyQT90wSY2wSa2wTXowXTsgXawwXSzgXa0AW9ngbWngYAAA==
- Everlasting Priest: AAECAa0GCuWwBKi2BLjZBLjcBO+RBeKkBc/GBbvHBdj2BbieBgqtigSFnwT52wSGgwWGpAX+wQW7xAW/xAX7+AXRngYAAA==
- Lightshow Mage: AAECAf0EAovnA5egBA7a0ATb3gSCkwWEkwXFkwXKkwWrmAWCogWWtwWmwwXgwwXoxQXQ+AXTngYAAA==
- Face Hunter: AAECAR8Cu6AEr54GDqmfBIiyBLjjBMHjBMzkBNDkBNTkBJa3BebKBdrQBeT1BdL4BbCeBteiBgAA
- Ramp Druid: AAECAZICBOnQBO/eBLjFBavgBQ2unwTanwT2vQT5vQTW3gTB3wTuowX53wX93wWC4AWt4QWpngarngYAAA==
- Rush Demon Hunter: AAECAea5AwbWnwT+vwSkkgXl9QXn9QWongYMgJ8EjrAEn+IEpeIEiJIFlJIFjaUFpMMF8MMF9MMF6/UF4fgFAAA=
That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates!