Let’s rock! Festival of Legends is the new Hearthstone expansion! Here’s what to expect, some new cards, and more.
The new Hearthstone expansion is Festival of Legends! Here's everything to know about the expansion, including the new cards, Finale and Overheal keywords, a free Legendary, and more.

Hearthstone Festival of Legends expansion
Hearthstone's Festival of Legends expansion launches in April 2023 alongside 145 brand-new cards. The expansion's theme is E.T.C. and the best musicians of Azeroth. Together, they're putting on a music festival of epic proportions.

New Hearthstone expansion
In addition to a Legendary minion for each class, each Hearthstone class also features a Legendary spell. While the minions represent musicians, the spells represent songs. An example of a spell is Climactic Necrotic Explosion, which costs 10 mana.
Meanwhile, there are new soloist minions that do well when a player has no other minions on their side of the board. Opera Soloist is an example of this. This minion deals three damage to all enemy minions if the player gives it the spotlight.

Speaking of spells, harmonic spells let a player switch between Harmonic and Dissonant modes while the card is in their hand each turn. Weapons are also in the spotlight thanks to cards like Record Scratcher and Arcanite Ripper.

As for the Festival of Legends Signature cards, they go with the expansion's theme and have their card text location adjusted.
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Hearthstone Festival of Legends keywords
The new Hearthstone expansion also features the Finale keyword. A card with Finale receives a bonus if a player spends all of their remaining mana playing it. Two examples of these cards include Power Chord: Synchronize and Ghost Writer.

That's not all. In the Festival of Legends and Core sets, the Priest class gets a class-specific keyword. Minions that have Overheal get a special effect when they're healed above their maximum health. Heartbreaker Hedanis, for example, deals five damage to a random enemy if Overheal gets triggered.

How to get E.T.C., Band Manager in Hearthstone
Players can also obtain a free E.T.C., Band Manager card by simply logging in.
This free Legendary card is available after patch 26.6, according to Blizzard. Instead of signing in, a player must open their first Festival of Legend card pack to obtain it.

Are you ready to rock? Interested players can pre-purchase the new expansion now.
Stay tuned for more news and updates.