The new Hearthstone Audiopocalypse Mini-Set features new dual-class cards and Remixed cards! Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Hearthstone has announced the new Audiopocalypse Mini-Set for the Festival of Legends expansion! It features Remixed cards and new dual-class combinations! Read on for details plus some information on Diablo's return to Hearthstone Battlegrounds, an upcoming Diablo Tavern Brawl, and more.

Hearthstone dual-class cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone dual-class cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone gets dual-class cards

The new dual-class combinations include both minions and spells. Examples of these cards include Abyssal Bassist and Through Fel and Flames. Both of these cards can be used by the Warrior and Demon Hunter classes.

  • Abyssal Bassist: 7 mana 4/7 Demon. Taunt, Lifesteal. Costs (2) less for each weapon you've equipped this game.
  • Through Fel and Flames: 0 mana Fel spell. Give a minion Rush. Finale: And +1/+1.
Remixed cards in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Remixed cards in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

What are Remixed cards in Hearthstone?

That's not all. There are new Remixed cards as well. These cards gain a bonus effect when they're in a player's hand and rotate effects each turn. Examples of Remixed Hearthstone cards include Remixed Tuning Fork, Sharpened Tuning Fork, Reinforced Tuning Fork, Curved Turning Fork, and Backup Tuning Fork.

  • Remixed Tuning Fork: 2 mana 2/2 weapon. Gains an extra effect in your hand that changes each turn.
  • Sharpened Tuning Fork: 2 mana 2/2 weapon. Battlecry: Gain +2 Attack. (Changes each turn).
  • Reinforced Tuning Fork: 2 mana 2/2 weapon. Battlecry: Gain 5 Armor. (Changes each turn).
  • Curved Turning Fork: 2 mana 2/2 weapon. Also damages minions adjacent to whomever your hero attacks. (Changes each turn).
  • Backup Tuning Fork: 2 mana 2/2 weapon. Battlecry: Discover a Taunt minion. (Changes each turn).

"This Mini-Set is full of new instruments to explore in your compositions," according to Blizzard.

Abyssal Bassist from the Hearthstone Audiopocalypse Mini-Set (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Abyssal Bassist from the Hearthstone Audiopocalypse Mini-Set (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Audiopocalypse Mini-Set

The Audiopocalypse Mini-Set is slated to launch on May 31. It features 38 new cards, including four legendaries, one epic, 17 rares, and 16 commons. Players can obtain these cards through either Festival of Legends card packs or by purchasing the complete set of 72 cards.

The regular version of Hearthstone's Audiopocalypse Mini-Set costs $14.99 USD or 2,000 in-game gold. For those who want a purely golden version of these cards, they can get it for $69.99 USD or 10,000 gold. According to Blizzard, the golden version includes a bonus diamond legendary.

Diablo Tavern Brawl card back from 2017 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Diablo Tavern Brawl card back from 2017 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Diablo makes an encore

If this isn't exciting enough, then Diablo is making an encore in Hearthstone Battlegrounds! Between June 5 to June 7, players can select him as a hero. Meanwhile, for Tavern Brawl fans, a Diablo-themed Tavern Brawl is happening between June 7 and June 21.

Does anyone else remember the Dark Wanderer Tavern Brawl from 2017? It appears that the Dark Wanderer is returning as an epic boss battle. Details of this iteration of the Tavern Brawl haven't been revealed yet, but we do know that players can earn a Hearthstone card back during the event.

Frog Prince Thrall hero portrait (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Frog Prince Thrall hero portrait (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Frog Prince Thrall and more

As for in-game cosmetics, players can get Frog Prince Thrall as a hero portrait. There's also Bookworm Elise and Gargoyle Gul'dan! All of these items are themed after classic stories. To obtain them, simply visit the in-game shop.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates!