Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set now live!

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

It’s play time.

Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set now live in Hearthstone! This Mini-Set features a total of 38 new cards and the Gigantify keyword. Whenever you play a card with Gigantify, you get an 8-mana 8/8 copy of it added to your hand. Read on for the instructions on how to unlock the full Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set plus the list of every new card!

Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set cost screenshot (Image via esports.gg)
Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set cost screenshot (Image via esports.gg)

How to get the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set

To add this new Mini-Set to your collection, launch Hearthstone and visit the in-game shop. Next, purchase the normal version of the Mini-Set for either 2,000 gold or $14.99 USD. You can also get the fully-golden version for either 10,000 gold or $69.99 USD. The latter option, in particular, includes a bonus diamond copy of Puppetmaster Dorian. He's a legendary minion that can be used by any Hearthstone class.

Diamond Puppetmaster Dorian screenshot (Image via esports.gg)
Diamond Puppetmaster Dorian screenshot (Image via esports.gg)

Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set cards

  1. Puppetmaster Dorian (Neutral, Legendary)
  2. Snuggle Teddy (Druid, Common)
  3. Overgrown Beanstalk (Druid, Rare)
  4. Toyrantus (Druid, Legendary)
  5. Funhouse Mirror (Priest, Common)
  6. Puppet Theatre (Priest, Common)
  7. Delayed Product (Priest, Rare)
  8. Pro Gamer (Neutral, Epic)
  9. Product 9 (Hunter, Legendary)
  10. Bargain Bin (Hunter, Common)
  11. Wilderness Pack (Hunter, Rare)
  12. Malfunction (Mage, Rare)
  13. Buy One, Get One Freeze (Mage, Common)
  14. Darkmoon Magician (Mage, Rare)
  15. Replicator-inator (Neutral, Legendary)
  16. Sock Puppet Slitherspear (Demon Hunter, Common)
  17. Gibbering Reject (Demon Hunter, Rare)
  18. Return Policy (Demon Hunter, Common)
  19. Building-Block Golem (Neutral, Rare)
  20. Standardized Pack (Warrior, Rare)
  21. Part Scrapper (Warrior, Common)
  22. Safety Expert (Warrior, Rare)
  23. Explodineer (Warrior, Common)
  24. Rocket Hopper (Shaman, Common)
  25. Murloc Growfin (Shaman, Rare)
  26. Wave of Nostalgia (Shaman, Common)
  27. Whack-A-Gnoll (Paladin, Common)
  28. Flickering Lightbot (Paladin, Rare)
  29. Holy Glowsticks (Paladin, Common)
  30. Twisted Pack (Rogue, Rare)
  31. Dust Bunny (Rogue, Rare)
  32. Dubious Purchase (Rogue, Common)
  33. Toysnatching Geist (Death Knight, Common)
  34. Humiliation (Death Knight, Rare)
  35. Foamrender (Death Knight, Rare)
  36. INFERNAL! (Warlock, Rare)
  37. Mass Production (Warlock, Common)
  38. Domino Effect (Warlock, Rare)

Above is the list of all 38 new cards. In total, there are four new legendaries, one epic, 17 rares, and 16 commons. These cards were revealed over the course of last week as well. The full details of each card can be viewed via the game's card library or our dedicated guide.

Snuggle Teddy features the Gigantify keyword in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)
Snuggle Teddy features the Gigantify keyword in Hearthstone (Images via Blizzard Entertainment)

That's all for now. Are you ready for Gigantify shenanigans in this Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!