Dizdemon wins Solary Grand Prix event: tournament results and decks

A new Solary Grand Prix edition took place this weekend, with some of the finest European players clashing and Dizdemon coming on top.

This past weekend the competitive community got to enjoy a new Solary Grand Prix event, with Dizdemon taking first place. With Hearthstone Esports' official circuit shrinking in 2023, these third-party events are what hold part of the community together.

Let's go over how Dizdemon won the Solary Grand Prix, and analyze his decks and opponents.

Solary Grand Prix event format

The French team is a cornerstone of European competitive Hearthstone, not only it's home to many players like Dizdemon, Tars, Vinz, Odemian, among others, but also supported by Predator is launching a series of events for the competitive community. This time, the Solary Grand Prix event was held online, which allowed some more flexibility regarding format.

There were 4 Qualifiers starting on April 30 that granted two spots each for the main event. Those who made it thru, had the honor to compete against seasoned players for a piece of glory and also part of the €2.000 prize pool.

Solary Grand Prix qualifier schedule - Image via Solary
Solary Grand Prix qualifier schedule - Image via Solary

The Solary Grand Prix main event that took place this past weekend featured eight players coming from the qualifiers and eight guests. The invited player lists included a Hearthstone World Championship player, several Masters Tour winners, the current Solary Gran Prix champion, and other renowned competitive figures from all over Europe. Fun fact, FuryHunter was not invited, but won his spot on the second qualifier.

Solary Grand Prix players (invited - qualified)

  • Gaby
  • Dizdemon
  • Tars
  • Odemian
  • Vinz
  • Feelink
  • PocketTrain
  • Sloug
  • ziptopz
  • Kaamix
  • valmorider
  • Rateelt
  • Roulian
  • FuryHunter
  • TmwKOxyd
  • tolsimir

The 16 players battled through a Double Elimination bracket with best of five matches. This format gave the chance for players to recover in case they suffered a loss, Dizdemon, however, didn't need it.

Dizdemon's path to glory

Feelink, the past champion was defeated early on in the event, so the crown was there for the taking. Dizdemon didn't respect the saying and became a prophet in his land after defeating his fellow team partner Tars in the Solary Gran Prix finals. Despite being an online event, the French players felt that local advantage stormed the tournament and kept the first three places.

With a settled Hearthstone metagame, Dizdemon just picked the best four decks in the game and piloted them to perfection. While some tried to counter the meta by bringing control decks like Blood Death Knight and Control Priest, Dizdemon overcame them, even in the finals.

The Undead Death Knight, Spell Demon Hunter, Tony Druid and Miracle Rogue lineup took first and third place in the hands of Dizdemon and Gaby. Tars, the runner-up was playing Blood Death Knight, Relic Demon Hunter, Spooky Mage and Control Priest.

You can check all the decks from the Solary Grand Prix, including Dizdemon's, and copy their codes on D0nkey's page. Feel free to give them a try on ladder, but think twice if you need to craft cards, there is a patch incoming. You don't want to spend your dust in vane.

That's all for now, but stay tuned for more Hearthstone news and guides. Be sure to visit esports.gg for all the latest esports news as well. See you next time in the Tavern.