“Clockwork Card Dealer”, Hearthstone Tavern Brawl decks

Get your free weekly Hearthstone pack with Clockwork Card Dealer Tavern Brawl, check out the article for deck codes.

The weekly Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is here, exactly on time, as expected: Clockwork Card Dealer. This Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is all about curve stone. With no further ado, let’s go over the basics of the Clockwork Card Dealer Tavern Brawl and share some Hearthstone decks that should do well.

"Tinkertown gnomes are testing their prototype card-bot: Optimotron! The card you draw on turn 1 will be a 1-cost card, if you have one. On turn 2, a 2-cost card…"

Hearthstone Tavern Brawl Deck Building Advice

This is the seventh time we are seeing this Tavern Brawl, and with that experience, Hearthstone players already have some strategies that should work pretty efficiently. The way this weekly event works is that players create a Standard Deck, and then, each turn, they draw a card that costs the same as the turn number.

This Tavern Brawl makes many players' dreams come true since it can guarantee them to draw exactly the card they want each turn. Some advice regarding that. Once you find the cards you want to draw on turn 1 to 10, then make sure you don't include other cards of the same cost.

You can fill the deck with either duplicate cards or 0-cost / +10-cost cards, such as whisps and giants, so they don't interfere with your dream curve.

The MVP of this Hearthstone tavern brawl isThe Far Watch Post, if you land it on curve, the Clockwork Card Dealer effect will just cripple your opponent. Make sure you are prepared for it!

Don't worry about putting card draw in your deck, you will always draw the card you want. Furthermore, bare in mind that card advantage is meaningless, tempo is everything in this Tavern Brawl.

Deck codes

The following decks are just ideas that can be improved or adapted to your collection. They vary between Tempo decks and cheesy on-curve abuse. After all, this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is all about that.


Quest Pirest by JockyRhonson: AAECAa0GDJboA57rA6bvA932A4yBBOiLBPCfBOWwBKi2BOnQBLjZBJfvBA6Z6wOa6wOH9wOtigSIowSKowTUrAShtgT52wS63ASS3wTg7QSGgwWGpAUA

Wallet Vanndar Big Hunter by PoisonFang009: AAECAYoWDPfoA/f4A6mBBKeNBOGfBNqjBOGkBO+kBKWtBOe5BL/OBOnQBAne7APM+QPXkgSonwTkpATlpATT5QSs7QT5kgUA

Remember that you can just build a tempo version of any aggro deck and will be fine for winning this week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl. Don't worry if you don't have legendaries, just replace them with the strongest minion you can find for that spot.

Moreover, many current Standard decks will probably do well enough. Aggro Druid or Relic Demon Hunter are two examples of that. Maybe you can curate them to guarantee draws, but not more than that is necessary.

I hope you enjoy this Clockwork Card Dealer Hearthstone Tavern Brawl and that you find the decks useful.

Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the Tavern.