The Hearthstone meta is filled with the Blazing Transmutation and Goldshire Gnoll combo in Evolve Shaman.
Hearthstone's Blazing Transmutation card is out thanks to the Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set. Players are currently up to some Evolve Shaman shenanigans. Read on for details and for the March of the Lich King Evolve Shaman deck code in Standard.

Blazing Transmutation in Hearthstone
A certain deck is taking over the March of the Lich King Hearthstone meta right now. Since the launch of the Return to Naxxramas Mini-Set, the top decks have been Evolve Shaman variations. This type of deck includes the new Blazing Transmutation spell, which lets you choose a minion and discover one that costs one more. Your chosen minion then gets transformed into it.
It's also interesting to note that Blazing Transformation works on enemy minions. This is because the spell card doesn't have the "friendly" keyword on it. D0nky mentioned this over on Twitter.
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Blazing Transmutation and Goldshire Gnoll value
Players have been sharing their Blazing Transmutation shenanigans on different platforms, including Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube. Jeffrey "Trump" Shih, for example, showcased how deadly Blazing Transmutation can be on just turn three.

After playing the Schooling spell to increase the number of cards in his hand, Trump dropped down Goldshire Gnoll. This 10-mana minion received a cost reduction because of the additional cards. Trump then cleared his opponent's minion before using Blazing Transmutation on Goldshire Gnoll. This resulted in summoning Neptulon the Tidehunter.

Evolve Shaman deck code
Below is Trump's Evolve Shaman deck code for Hearthstone players who are interested in some Blazing Transmutation gameplay.

"Now with the new Mini-Set expansion, Blazing Transmutation — this could increase the win rate of the deck by a lot," Trump explained. "What I didn't realize — currently, due to some sort of oversight, you can actually transform your Goldshire Gnol into Neptulon. That is not very fair."
That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more Hearthstone news and updates.