Best March of the Lich King Hearthstone decks from the Death Knight Showmatch

Team Frost took the Hearthstone Death Knight Showmatch, here are some of the best decks from the event.

Hearthstone fans finally got to see the new Death Knight class in action today! During the $100,000 Death Knight Showmatch, 12 Hearthstone creators crafted different decks following the new Runes restrictions coming up in the March of the Lich King expansion.

Today we will highlight the best Death Knight decks for you to try out when the March of the Lich King Hearthstone expansion launches on December 6th. Regardless of your playstyle, keep on reading. The new class is so flexible that you will find an archetype you will enjoy.

Death Knight Hearthstone Showmatch

With $100,000 on the line, players went all in to win the event. There were three teams, each representing one of the new Death Knight Runes. The idea of the event was to present the new Hearthstone Death Knight class and how flexible it is in terms of deck building.

Players were divided into three teams, Frost, Blood and Unholy, for their respective runes. Each team will have one member deep into their Rune, two members with one foot in each of the other Runes, and one Wild Card member that can play any Rune combination they want. For example, team Frost would look like this:

  • Player 1: Frost, Frost, Frost
  • Player 2: Frost, Frost, Blood
  • Player 3: Frost, Frost, Unholy
  • Player 4: Wild Card

That is why today we will be presenting the best Hearthstone Death Knight decks for each Rune.

Frost Runes Death Knight decks

The winner and most dominant Rune team in the show match was the Frost team formed by Bunnyhoppor, Alliestrasza, RegisKillbin and Meati. While the whole team helped in deckbuilding and testing, result-wise RegisKillbin was the MVP. With a record of 19-5 he demolished the competition with a Frost-Frost-Blood Rune deck.

This deck based on Frost with a Blood splash had an impressive win rate, and you should give it a try as soon the expansion launches.

RegisKillbin Frost Deck - Death Kinght Showdown - Image via Hearthstone
RegisKillbin Frost Deck - Death Kinght Showdown - Image via Hearthstone

RegisKillbin FFB Deck Code: AAECAfHhBAqXoATp0ASY1AS42QSJ5gSX7wSk7wTipAXLpQXMpQUPpY0ElrcE7eME9eMEguQEseYE0e0Eh/YEiPYEifYEtIAFtYAFk4EFxIEFopkFAA==


Meati Frost Deck - Image via Hearthstone
Meati Frost Deck - Image via Hearthstone

Meati's triple Frost deck was another high-performing list during this Hearthstone show match. Frost Death Knight deck excels in efficiency, and that's something that yields good results in Hearthstone.

Unholy Runes Death Knight decks

Going to Hearthstone's Unholy side, we find that Dog also had a remarkable record with his Unholy plus Frost Death Knight deck. Dog managed to match Regiskillbin's score with a 19-5 record.

Dog Unholy Deck - Death Kinght Showdown - Image via Hearthstone
Dog Unholy Deck - Death Kinght Showdown - Image via Hearthstone

Dog's UUF Deck Code: AAECAfHhBArHsgTp0ASY1ASX7wSk7wTa8QTfogXvogXipAXNpQUPlrcEssEE8OMEkOQEkeQE0e0E0/EE1fEE2fEEgfYEh/YEsvcEmIEFopkFrqEFAA==

Hunterace's UUB Deck Code: AAECAfHhBAzp0ASY1ASJ5gSX7wSk7wS88ATa8QS+9wTfogXvogXipAXNpQUOlrcEssEE8OME/OMEkOQEkeQE0/EE1fEEgfYEh/YEsvcEs/cEmIEFopkFAA==

HunterAce Unholy Deck - Image via Hearthstone
HunterAce Unholy Deck - Image via Hearthstone

The former Hearthstone world champion, Hunterace, also performed well during the Death Knight event with a double Unholy plus Blood deck.

Final considerations

While the event had some of the best Hearthstone players and deck builders, at the same time, this is a first glimpse of what the Death Knight meta could be like. Furthermore, the decks were oriented to beat other Death Knight decks.

In a sense this last point should not be a problem, since I bet that every Hearthstone player will be jamming Death Knight all-day long once the expansion launches. Last but not least, that the Blood team didn't perform well doesn't mean that the Rune is weak, it's only a partial indicator that Blood decks might struggle against the same class with other Runes combination.

The full event stream is up on Hearthstone YouTube channel for you to revisit. If you want to check out the 12 Deth Knight decks that competed in this Hearthstone showdown, use the following link to get access to the event's spreadsheet. Alternatively, for a more visual version, you can check out Round1Boy's thread below.

We are only 3 weeks away from Death Knight and the next Hearthstone expansion, so get your decks ready! Card reveal season continues, so don't forget to visit Hearthstone's card library for updates.

That's all for now but stay tuned to for more Hearthstone news and guides. See you next time in the tavern.