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The official Hearthstone account on X has unearthed a bunch of new Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards. Read on for all of the Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards and reveals! Between Jan. 11 and Jan. 16, we updated this piece live as they were being unveiled by the Hearthstone team.

Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set card reveal schedule (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set card reveal schedule (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

All Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards

Card Name
Deepminer BrannLegendaryWarrior62/4MinionBattlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Battlecries trigger twice for the rest of the game.
TherazaneLegendaryNeutral77/5Elemental Taunt. Deathrattle: Double the stats of all Elementals in your hand and deck.
Crimson ExpanseCommonWarrior/Demon Hunter42 DurabilityLocationChoose a damaged minion. Summon a copy of it that goes Dormant for one turn.
Burning HeartCommonWarrior/Demon Hunter1N/AFire SpellDeal 2 damage to a minion. If it survives, give your hero +3 Attack this turn.
Deepholm GeodeRareNeutral21/2Elemental, Excavate TreasureAt the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
HeartblossomCommonNeutral1N/ASpell, Excavate TreasureGive a friendly minion +2/+2. Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion.
World Pillar FragmentEpicNeutral3N/ASpell, Excavate TreasureDiscover an Elemental to summon. Add the others to your hand.
Maruut StonebinderLegendaryNeutral75/6MinionBattlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, Discover an Elemental to summon. Add the others to your hand.
Stone DrakeCommonNeutral62/8Elemental, DragonDivine Shield. Taunt. Lifesteal. Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers.
Shale SpiderRareNeutral23/2ElementalBattlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, draw a card.
Iridescent GyrewormEpicNeutral34/3ElementalDeathrattle: Give each of your minions a random bonus effect.
Fel FissureRareDemon Hunter4N/AFel SpellDeal 2 damage to all minions. At the start of your next turn, deal 2 more damage to all minions.
Quick PickCommonDemon Hunter/Rogue21/2WeaponAfter your hero attacks, draw a card.
Shadestone SkulkerRareDemon Hunter/Rogue11/1ElementalRush. Battlecry: Take your weapon and gain its stats. Deathrattle: Give it back.
Fool's GoldRareRogue1N/ASpellGet a random Golden Pirate and Elemental from other classes.
Hidden GemCommonRogue/Priest22/2ElementalStealth. At the end of your turn, restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Shadow Word: StealRareRogue/Priest5N/AShadow SpellReturn an enemy minion to your hand.
Glowstone GyrewormRarePriest44/4ElementalLifesteal. Quickdraw: Deal 5 Damage. Forge: Change Quickdraw to Battlecry.
Pendant of EarthCommonPriest/Druid3N/ANature SpellDiscover a minion from your deck. Gain armor equal to its cost.
Shattered ReflectionsRarePriest/Druid5N/ASpellChoose a minion. Add a copy to your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Gloomstone GuardianRareDruid/Warlock46/8Elementaltaunt. Choose One: Discard 2 cards or destroy one of your mana crystals. Forge: Do neither.
Trogg GemtosserCommonDruid/Warlock33/2MinionFinale: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy minion for each of your mana crystals.
Crystal ClusterCommonDruid 6N/ASpellGain three empty mana crystals. Any that can't fit summon a 3/7 Elemental with Taunt
Crystal CrusherN/ADruid 53/7ElementalTaunt.
Elementium GeodeRareWarlock22/1ElementalBattlecry and Deathrattle: Draw a card. Deal 2 damage to your hero.
Chaos CreationCommonWarlock/Mage6N/AFel SpellDeal 6 damage. Summon a random 6-cost minion. Destroy the bottom 6 cards of your deck.
SoulfreezeRareWarlock/Mage1N/AFrost SpellFreeze a minion and its neighbors. Deal damage to your hero equal to the number Frozen.
Summoning WardRareMage3N/ASecretWhen your turn starts, summon a copy of your highest cost minion.
Mantle ShaperCommonMage/Hunter55/5Elemental NagaCosts (1) less for each spell you've cast while holding this.
Elemental CompanionRareMage/Hunter3N/ASpellSummon a random Elemental Companion
Me'shoN/AMage/Hunter34/4Elemental Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers.
HiffarN/AMage/Hunter34/2Elemental Your spells cost (1) less.
LuekkN/AMage/Hunter52/4Elemental Spell Damage +2
Shimmer ShotCommonHunter1N/AArcane SpellDeal 1 damage. Summon a random minion of that cost.
Mismatched FossilsRareHunter/Death Knight3N/ASpellDiscover a Beast and an Undead. Swap their stats.
Obsidian Revenant CommonHunter/Death Knight64/6Elemental Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon two random Deathrattle minions that cost (3) or less.
Quartzite CrusherCommonDeath Knight43/3WeaponLifesteal. Freeze any character damaged by your hero.
Prosthetic HandRareDeath Knight/Paladin43/1MechMagnetic. Reborn. Can Magnetize to Mechs or Undead.
Mining CasualtiesCommonDeath Knight/Paladin2N/ASpellSummon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits with "Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Frail Ghoul."
Digging Straight DownCommonShaman4N/ANature SpellDeal 8 damage to a minion. Excavate a treasure.
Needlerock TotemCommonShaman/Warrior20/2TotenAt the end of your turn, gain 2 armor and draw a card.
ShroomscavateCommonPaladin/Shaman3N/ASpellGive a minion Windfury and Divine Shield. Excavate a treasure.
AftershocksRareShaman/Warrior4N/ANature SpellDeal 1 damage to all minions three times. Costs (2) less if you cast a spell last turn.
Fossilized KaleidosaurRarePaladin43/4Undead, BeastBattlecry: Gain two random bonus effects. Excavate a treasure.
The Azerite MurlocLegendaryShaman45/5Elemental, MurlocBattlecry: Transform all your other minions into ones that cost (3) more (keeping their original costs).
The Azerite DragonLegendaryWarrior45/5Elemental, DragonBattlecry: Give all other minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield +3/+3.
Sir Finley, the IntrepidLegendaryPaladin/Shaman32/3MurlocBattlecry: If you've Excavated twice, transform all enemy minions into 1/1 Murlocs.

We've created a table above to showcase all of the Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards revealed so far. You can click on each column's title to sort these cards as well. This Mini-Set will have a total of 38 new cards and launch on Jan. 18.

Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Showdown in the Badlands Mini-Set card reveals: Jan. 11

On Jan. 11, Hearthstone revealed a few legendary cards alongside some neutral ones and dual-class cards! The legendary minions include Deepminer Brann for the Warrior class plus Therazane and Maruut Stonebinder for every class in the game.

Maruut Stonebinder in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Maruut Stonebinder in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Meanwhile, Excavate Treasure reveals include Heartblossom, Deepholm Geode, and World Pillar Fragment. Neutral cards include Stone Drake, Shale Spider, and Iridescent Gyreworm.

Stone Drake, Shale Spider, and Iridescent Gyreworm in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Stone Drake, Shale Spider, and Iridescent Gyreworm in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As for the dual-class cards, they include Crimson Expanse as a Location and the Burning Heart spell for the Warrior and Demon Hunter classes. These were showcased in a blog while the social media account itself featured Quick Pick and Shadestone Skulker as dual-class cards for the Rogue and Demon Hunter classes. Fel Fissure is just for the Demon Hunter class.

Fel Fissure, Quick Pick, and Shadestone Skulker in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Fel Fissure, Quick Pick, and Shadestone Skulker in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The final reveals for Jan. 11 feature the Rogue and Priest dual-class cards plus the Fool's Gold Rogue spell. The dual-class cards include Hidden Gem and Shadow Word: Steal.

Fool's Gold, Hidden Gem, and Shadow Word: Steal in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Fool's Gold, Hidden Gem, and Shadow Word: Steal in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set reveals: Jan. 12

The Jan. 12 Showdown in the Badlands card reveals featured a bunch of dual-class cards. The combinations include ones for Priest and Druid, Druid and Warlock, plus Warlock and Mage. While Glowstone Gyreworm belongs to the Priest class, Pendant of Earth and Shattered Reflections are dual-class cards for Priest and Druid.

Glowstone Gyreworm, Pendant of Earth, and Shattered Reflections in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Glowstone Gyreworm, Pendant of Earth, and Shattered Reflections in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As for the Druid and Warlock cards, they include the dual-class Gloomstone Guardian and Trogg Gemtosser minions alongside the Crystal Cluster Druid spell that can summon the Crystal Crusher Druid minion.

Gloomstone Guardian, Trogg Gemtosser, Crystal Cluster, and Crystal Crusher (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Gloomstone Guardian, Trogg Gemtosser, Crystal Cluster, and Crystal Crusher (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The final cards for Jan. 12 include Elementium Geode for Warlock alongside the Chaos Creation and Soulfreeze spells for Warlock and Mage.

Elementium Geode, Chaos Creation, and Soulfreeze in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Elementium Geode, Chaos Creation, and Soulfreeze in Hearthstone (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Showdown in the Badlands Mini-Set cards: Jan. 15

The Jan. 15 card reveals include dual-class cards for Mage and Hunter, Hunter and Death Knight, plus Death Knight and Paladin. While Summoning Ward is just for the Mage Class, the Mantle Shaper minion is a dual-class minion.

Summoning Ward and Mantle Shaper (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Summoning Ward and Mantle Shaper (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

When you play Elemental Companion, which is a dual-class spell for Mage and Hunter, you can expect to summon one of Me'sho, Luekk, or Hiffar.

Elemental Companion, Me'sho, Luekk, and Hiffar (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Elemental Companion, Me'sho, Luekk, and Hiffar (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Next up, the Hunter class gets Shimmer Shot as a spell. Meanwhile, Mismatched Fossils and Obsidian Revenant are dual-class cards for Hunter and Death Knight.

Shimmer Shot, Mismatched Fossils, and Obsidian Revenant (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Shimmer Shot, Mismatched Fossils, and Obsidian Revenant (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Finally, the Death Knight class has Quartzite Crusher as a new weapon while Death Knight and Paladin dual-class cards include Prosthetic Hand and Mining Casualties.

Quartzite Crusher, Prosthetic Hand, and Mining Casualties (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Quartzite Crusher, Prosthetic Hand, and Mining Casualties (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Hearthstone Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set cards reveals: Jan. 16

The Jan. 16 card reveals include ones for Shaman and Warrior plus Paladin and Shaman. While the Digging Straight Down spell is just for the Shaman class, Needlerock Totem is for Shaman and Warrior and Shroomscavate is for Paladin and Shaman.

Digging Straight Down, Needlerock Totem, and Shroomscavate (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Digging Straight Down, Needlerock Totem, and Shroomscavate (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Up next are Aftershocks as a dual-class card for Shaman and Warrior alongside the Fossilized Kaleidosaur minion for only the Paladin class.

Aftershocks and Fossilized Kaleidosaur (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Aftershocks and Fossilized Kaleidosaur (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As for The Azerite Murloc and The Azerite Dragon, these are unique to the Shaman and Paladin players respectively. These minions are also Excavate reward cards, which are not collectable.

The Azerite Murloc and The Azerite Dragon (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Azerite Murloc and The Azerite Dragon (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As for the final card reveal, it's Sir Finley, the Intrepid as a legendary Murloc that combines the powers of Paladin and Shaman!

Sir Finley, the Intrepid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Sir Finley, the Intrepid (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

That's all for now. Thanks for joining us for all of these live card reveals. Stick around on for more Hearthstone news and updates!