will be supporting WIGI’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in esports through a year-long partnership for 2022.

Today we reveal a brand new partner that will join us on our journey - Women in Games International! For the duration of 2022, will be partnered with Women in Games International (WIGI)!

Women in Games International is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on advancing the careers of women, non-binary and femme presenting individuals in the games industry. 

What is Women in Games International's mission?

Women in Games International aims to normalize women in the video game, tabletop, and esports industries by increasing representation. The organization offers brilliant resources such as a micro-mentorship program, their Get In the Game Program, and workshops like their Stat Boost Workshops. 

WIGI also powers knowledge by creating content that is easy for their audience to participate in such as their podcast series called Cheat Codes and their monthly Twitch panel called Open World Dialogue, which feature industry experts keen to inform and inspire. All of WIGI’s programs, workshops, and mentorship programs are free for all attendees thanks in part to a $1 million Activision Blizzard grant that was given with the hopes of driving “diversity, equity, and inclusion within our [games] industry”.

"We are slated to run over 90 programs, workshops, initiatives, and panels in 2022, and we are proud to partner with to best support diversity, equity & inclusion efforts in esports. Because we are all esports."

Joanie Kraut, Women In Games International CEO

What will the x WIGI partnership involve?

Throughout the year, will offer coverage of WIGI's appearances at industry conferences and promote their initiatives across all social media platforms and our thriving website. We will also be actively collaborating with WIGI for fundraising events such as Women's History Month and Pride month.

“Since our inception, we have grown into the largest community of professional women, non-binary, femme-presenting individuals, and allies in gaming, providing a platform to amplify the voices of underrepresented gaming professionals,” said Joanie Kraut, WIGI’s CEO.

“We are slated to run over 90 programs, workshops, initiatives, and panels in 2022, and we are proud to partner with to best support diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) efforts in esports. Because we are all esports.”

WIGI will be powering a weekly article on platform as part of our aligned mission of increasing representation in the scene. These articles will be as diverse as we hope the industry will become and will feature spotlights on rising talent in the space, industry news, and interviews with experts and players. 

"Esports is still in its infancy when it comes to creating a safe space for marginalized genders, but thanks to brilliant organizations such as WIGI we are making huge strides in the right direction."

Lawrence "Malystryx" Phillips,'s Director of Content

“Esports is still in its infancy when it comes to creating a safe space for marginalized genders, but thanks to brilliant organizations such as WIGI we are making huge strides in the right direction," said Lawrence "Malystryx" Phillips,'s DIrector of Content.

"We’re adamant that through this partnership we will be able to make impactful change together, and amplify WIGI’s efforts to create a brighter future for women, non-binary, and femme presenting individuals in esports and gaming.”