Here are the seven best games that you can get on Steam, according to player reviews.
Steam provides the biggest library of games for people to choose from. With any library of any media, some items will be rated higher than others. That happens to be the case with video games, too.
These are the games that are rated the highest using a combination of total positive reviews and the percentage of positive reviews on Steam. This is a ranking based on SteamDB's algorithm of quality.
1. Portal 2
There is little surprise in what is the highest-rated game on Steam. Portal 2 has been critically and commercially heralded as one of the best and most well-written games of all time.

Playing as voiceless protagonist Chell, you are tasked with working your way through an increasingly derelict facility. Players use the now-famous Portal Gun to transport themselves around challenging puzzles.

Guided around by the Stephen Merchant-voiced Wheatley, Chell has to try and escape from Aperture Science's playgrounds for a second time.
Portal 2 provides a strangely engaging story despite having very limited characters. It's a crazy story that keeps players enthralled throughout.
2. People Playground
Upon opening the Steam page for People Playground, you are met with a message saying that "Content in this community may contain Strong Violence or Gore."

So perhaps you may wonder how this has become the second-highest rated game in Steam history. It's down to the fact that this game will let players do pretty much anything.
It is a sandbox where players have control of a ragdoll. They can do whatever they want to this ragdoll, but, in reality, the game is more geared toward finding ways to inventively kill said ragdoll.

It boasts a 98.86% positive review rate, with 143,963 positive reviews. Modding this game has an entire community devoted to it, increasing the ability to create and play in more ways.
3. Hades
Hades is a dungeon crawler that really tests players' ability to stay patient. It is the latest in Supergiant's list of critically acclaimed titles.

In this game, you play as Zagreus, who is billed as "the immortal Prince of the Underworld." You trawl through hell trying to escape the capture of Hades.
Hades has incredible gameplay loops with really fulfilling and rewarding gameplay.
With more than 200,000 positive reviews since release and an opening supported by Nintendo's Switch console, Hades has quickly become a must-play rogue-like adventure.
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4. Vampire Survivors
If pure chaos is what you want, look no further than Vampire Survivors. A shoot-em-up in the vein of Hotline Miami, this game will fill your screen with enemies.

One of the best, and perhaps most surprisingly developed aspects of the game is its weapon tree. It makes it incredibly fun to progress through the game.
The addicting gameplay loop will have you making runs through the game over and over. Surviving as long as possible is the goal, collecting as much gold as possible to make that next run a little easier.

This game has a ridiculous 97.36% positive review score on Steam. It makes it one of the highest-rated games as well.
5. Stardew Valley
Farming, exploring and raising animals are the main goals of Stardew Valley. It's an open-ended RPG with plenty of characters to get to know, too.

Less intense than most games, Stardew Valley channels the Animal Crossing-esque relaxing gameplay loop in order to keep its players engaged.
Solo-ing all of your farms in Stardew Valley can be one of the most rewarding experiences in video gaming. It's also a complete difference from the regular fast-paced action seen in most games.

Accessibility and the cheap price means that Stardew Valley is one of the most well-received games in Steam history.
6. Terraria
Take Minecraft. Add a 2D perspective. Add some monsters that span across the entire screen. That's pretty much what you're getting with Terraria.

Loads more science fiction elements than Minecraft, but still a lot of intricate building and crafting is included. The adventure in Terraria is endless. From starting out with nothing to battling massive monsters, it has it all.
Just like Minecraft, Terraria's uses are wider than just the gaming scene. It is a great gateway game. Young players can use it to aid learning in much of the same way as Minecraft. It allows so much creativity from players, and experiences really are crafted by individuals.

Terraria has more positive reviews than any other game in Steam history. If this was solely on its 1,017,847 positive reviews, then it would be the highest-rated game on Steam by far.
7. Portal
Portal 2, but make it a touch simpler and a bit older and you have the original. There is a reason that Portal 2 did not stray too far from the mechanics established in the original, and that is because they were simply so good.

Portal has players doing all of the same things as in the sequel. Players use the Portal Gun to parkour around several increasingly challenging areas.
This time, the game is strung together as Chell tries to find her way out of the original Aperture Science facility. GLaDOS leads her through the system up until a crescendo in another tightly-scripted and well-structured story.

Portal has more than 200,000 fewer reviews on Steam than its sequel, but it's 97.00% approval rate just sneaks it to the bottom of this list.
And those are the highest-rated games on Steam as of 2022. Stay tuned for for more news, guides, and infomation.