Everything you need to know about the weapons in The Finals closed beta.
The Finals is a free-to-play first-person shooter created by the team at Embark studios - combined of many developers who worked on EA's Battlefield franchise. The Finals is currently operating in its closed beta state. For players who have not been able to get their hands on The Finals, here is everything you need to know about the weapons you can use in the beta.
Many of the top content creators and streamers have been participating in the closed beta. The game has already received praise from the likes of DrDisRespect - the internet personality is in the middle of creating his own game. Highly popular TimTheTatMan is also currently streaming The Finals at the time of writing this article.
The Finals weapons
At the time of writing this article, there are seventeen weapons to choose from. In The Finals, players can choose from three weapon builds; Light Build, Medium Build, and Heavy Build. Here are all of The Finals weapons and their build category according to theloadout.
- .30-06 Sniper - Light Build
- Sawed Off Shotgun - Light Build
- V9S - Light Build
- M11 - Light Build
- Sword - Light Build
- LH1 - Light Build
- Assassin's Dagger - Light Build
- Pump-Action GL - Medium Build
- Repeater - Medium Build
- AKM - Medium Build
- R .357 - Medium Build
- Riot Shield - Medium Build
- M60 - Heavy Build
- Sledgehammer - Heavy Build
- Flamethrower - Heavy Build
- SA1216 - Heavy Build
- M32 GL - Heavy Build
Below are some screenshots of most of the weapons from Discord user YUKIOTZU:

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What are The Finals builds?

As is the case with most FPS titles, the weapon selection is based on the player's playstyle preference. In The Finals, each build has its own set of special abilities that can be used to the player's advantage.
The Light Build is for players who like to live life in the fast lane. The Light Build offers lighter weapons to allow you to attack with speed and aggression, perfect for dodging in and out of fights. The special abilities for The Finals are the Grappling Hook, the Cloaking Device, and Evasive dash according to gamerevolution.
The Medium is your classic supportive build, the Medium Builds' job in The Finals is to protect and heal your team while also detecting enemies in the vicinity. The special abilities for the Medium Build are the Healing Beam, Guardian Turret, and Recon Senses.
While the Light Build likes to pop in and out of fights, the Heavy Build punches straight through the enemies' defences. The job of the player using the Heavy Build is to secure certain positions in the arena. The special abilities for the Heavy Build are Charge 'n' Slam, Goo Gun, and Mesh Shield.
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