Opening the Stardew Valley wiki deletes your save file.

There does not exist a passionate Stardew Valley player who is not extremely familiar with the game's wiki. The treasure trove of knowledge is an indispensable resource to those trying to make the most of their peaceful digital farming lifestyle.

Thus, the new "hardcore mode" mod poses an unthinkable challenge: no wiki. Those who dare even open the wiki will have their save files instantly deleted.

Opening the Stardew Valley wiki deletes your save

Screenshots from a demonstration of the Harcore Mode mod (Image via
Screenshots from a demonstration of the Harcore Mode mod (Image via

Late last week, an article by Hard Drive reported on the release of a new Stardew Valley hardcore mode that erases players' save files if they open the wiki. However, this news was 100% satire. In fact, every single article posted by Hard Drive is satire. You can think of them as the gaming equivalent of The Onion.

Nevertheless, a certain Stardew Valley community member felt inspired by Hard Drive's joke about players' reliance on the wiki. Just half a day later, Twitter user @nightshademagia shared a working demonstration of her take on hardcore mode. A video showed the mod deleting a save file instantly as the wiki was opened on a browser.

Adding insult to injury

To make things even worse for its users, the creator made a small update to the mod shortly after. Now, the current version will not only delete your save file but also completely close the browser you dared access the Stardew Valley wiki on.

Any Stardew Valley player who thinks they can do without the wiki is more than welcome to try the hardcore mode mod. The creator has made it freely available on GitHub for those brave or foolish enough to install it. Good luck remembering every villager's unique routine for each day, every crop's sale value, the location of each type of fish, and the function of each trinket, though.

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