Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League release date, combat masteries, and relics

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s what to expect in OSRS Leagues 5.

The Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League event (OSRS Leagues 5) is now live. Read on for the OSRS Leagues 5 release date and release time details plus information about the combat masteries and relics.

Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League screenshot (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)
Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League screenshot (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)

Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League release date and time

OSRS Leagues 5 kicks off on Nov. 27 at 5 a.m PT and ends on Jan. 22. For eight weeks in total, players under Ironman Mode can get an accelerated experience rate for their skills, progress through combat masteries, and select relics, making it a great time to farm OSRS gold.

Nov. 275 a.m.6 a.m.7 a.m.8 a.m.1 p.m.12 a.m. (Nov. 28)

Raging Echoes League regions

In terms of the starting regions, they include Karamja and Misthalin. Players must then complete tasks to unlock a maximum of three more regions. These include Asgarnia, Kandarin, Kourend and Kebos, Morytania, the Fremennik Isles, the Kharidian Desert, Tirannwn, Varlamore, and the Wilderness.

Starting RegionsKaramja
Unlockable RegionsAsgarnia
Kourend and Kebos
Fremennik Isles
Kharidian Desert
Raging Echoes League combat masteries (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)
Raging Echoes League combat masteries (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)

Raging Echoes League combat masteries

Combat masteries feature 10 tasks in total, and completing each of them grants you with one point. With points, you can select from the Melee, Ranged, and Magic combat mastery styles and unlock tiers sequentially. Below is a table detailing the different tiers, as provided by Jagex Games Ltd. in collaboration with the official Old School Runescape Wiki.

MeleeIMelee hits have a 25% chance to roll damage twice and take the highest result.
IIMelee hits have a 10% chance to generate an echo hit (additional melee hit, 50% max hit, respects Accuracy, PvM only).
IIIMelee attack rate set to 80%, rounding down.
IVMelee hits have a 5% chance to heal 40% of damage dealt.
VMelee attack rate set to 50%, rounded down above 5t, rounded up below 4t.
VIChance to generate a Melee echo increases to 20%, and echoes can generate additional echoes (up to 8 times in a row).
RangedIDamage rolls below 30% of max hit with Ranged are increased to 30%.
IIEach subsequent Ranged attack has its max hit increased by 5%, resetting after +20%.
IIIRanged attack rate set to 80%, rounding down.
IVEvery 5th Ranged hit heals 5 hitpoints.
VRanged attack rate set to 50%, rounded down above 5t, rounded up below 4t.
VINever miss with Ranged (PvM only).
MagicIRolling above 90% of max hit with Magic increases damage by 50%.
IIMagic max hit increases by 5% per tick between attacks (up to +40%).
IIIMagic attack rate set to 80%, rounding down.
IVRolling above 90% of max hit with Magic heals 10% of damage dealt.
VMagic attack rate set to 50%, rounded down above 5t, rounded up below 4t.
VIMax hit with Magic increases by 1% for every 100 hitpoints remaining on the target (up to 10%). On a successful Magic hit, if the target's hitpoints are less than your max hit, you max hit.

Each style has passive buffs per tier as well:

  • Tier I: A 95% chance to conserve weapon charges, ammunition, and runes used for spells.
  • Tier II: All healing effects are boosted by 20%.
  • Tier III: Accuracy across all combat styles is increased by 100%.
  • Tier IV: Incoming damage is reduced by 15%.
  • Tier V: Prayer Point gain from all sources is boosted by 25%.
  • Tier VI: Attacks with all combat styles have have 60% Prayer penetration.

As for the 10 tasks, they are the following:

  1. Defeat a Giant
  2. Defeat 10 monsters with a combat level of 100+
  3. Defeat Scurrius solo
  4. Defeat a monster with a Slayer requirement of 55+
  5. Defeat TzTok-Jad in the Fight Caves
  6. Reach a combat level of 100
  7. Defeat an Echo boss
  8. Defeat two unique Echo bosses
  9. Defeat three unique Echo bosses
  10. Defeat TzKal-Zuk
Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League relic passives (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)
Old School Runescape Raging Echoes League relic passives (Image via Jagex Games Ltd.)

Raging Echoes League relics

Relics in OSRS Leagues 5 are buffs that can be unlocked with League Points, which are gained via completing tasks, for improved gathering, processing, teleportation, and combat. Players choose their first relic after the tutorial, and more can be unlocked at point thresholds. Note that relic selections are permanent per tier.

Tier 1 (0 Points)Power MinerGrants the Echo pickaxe with benefits for the Mining, Smithing, and Crafting skills.
LumberjackGrants the Echo axe with benefits for the Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Fletching skills.
Animal WranglerGrants the Echo harpoon with benefits for the Fishing, Hunter, and Cooking skills.
Tier 2 (750 Points)Friendly ForagerGrants the forager's pouch for gathering herbs and boosts Herblore.
Corner CutterGrants sage's greaves for Agility experience and bonus items from Agility courses.
Dodgy DealsGrants Thieving benefits like 100% success rate and extra loot from pickpocketing.
Tier 3 (1,500 Points)Fairy's FlightGrants fairy mushroom for teleporting to fairy ring, spirit trees, and tool leprechauns.
Bank HeistGrants briefcase for teleporting to banks and deposit boxes.
Clue CompassGrants a compass for teleporting to clue steps and STASH units.
Tier 4 (2,500 Points)Golden GodProvides Alchemy and Prayer boosts, including no rune costs and more gold from items.
ReloadedChoose another relic from any previous tier.
EquilibriumGrants extra XP based on total level, boosted when training the least experienced skill.
Tier 5 (5,000 Points)Treasure ArbiterBoosts Clue Scroll drop rates and rewards, with extra rolls and no item requirements for Emote, Falo, and Charlie Clues.
Production MasterAutomates processing in various production skills like Smithing, Crafting, and Cooking.
Slayer MasterUnlocks all Slayer perks and rewards, including free task skipping and bonus Slayer XP.
Tier 6 (8,000 Points)Total RecallStores and teleports to saved coordinates with restored stats.
Banker's NoteAllows bulk noting and un-noting of items with custom quantities.
Tier 7 (16,000 Points)Pocket KingdomGrants access to Managing Miscellania features with reduced costs and increased resource production.
GrimoireAllows switching between spellbooks and grants all Prayers and spells.
OvergrownGrants Leprechaun's vault for accessing Farming resources and automatic crop care features.
Tier 8 (25,000 Points)Last StandGrants the ability to survive with 1 HP, boost combat stats, and heal after using the ability.
GuardianSummons a Guardian Thrall with unique combat abilities fir 30 minutes.
SpecialistEnhances special attacks with reduced energy cost and increased accuracy.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates.