Season 8 EU FNCS Qualifiers kicked off with an action packed six matches. Find out who advanced to Finals!

Early in Chapter 2 Season 8, Queasy, Anas, and Th0masHD distanced themselves from the rest of the field. The new trio won EU Week 1 FNCS Qualifier. Several other teams stood out, including Endretta, Benjyfishy, and MrSavage. They finished in third place and qualified for the Finals. Their massive win in the third match propelled them up the leaderboard.

New trio, same style for Queasy, Anas, and Th0masHD

All they do is win! "Queasy," Thomas “Gamma Th0masHD” Høxbro Davidsen, and Anas “Guild Anas” El-Abd have played four events together since they formed at the start of Season 8. They won three out of those four events. The trio looks unstoppable.

Queasy, Anas, and Th0masHD showed more of the same during EU FNCS Week 1. They wasted no time and won Game 1 in classic Queasy style, high ground or nothing. The trio took the height position with ease on the first moving zone. Catty Corner's peppers boosted their speed and the weapons did the rest. This positioned them in a spot that is all too familiar. Queasy, Anas, and Th0masHD unleashed a storm of AR bullets into the players below. From there, the win was clinical, stay on height and spray down.

When asked about the trio's early success, Queasy attributed it to, "hard work and a decisive mindset to win." Other teams should take notes. It is rare to see this type of dominance this early into a season. In fact, it is rare to even win three events in a season, much less three out of four. Queasy, Anas, and Th0masHD look to continue their run in Finals at the end of October.

The return of Benjyfishy and MrSavage plus the vital addition of Endretta

The historic duo of Benjy “NRG Benjyfishy” David Fish and Martin “100T MrSavage” Foss Andersen rejoined forces in EU FNCS. Benjy and Savage always had a special connection. The duo made waves together, but failed to achieve expecations in a trio. That was until Endre "00 Endretta" Byre completed the team.

As one of the best tarpers in the world, Endretta allows the duo of MrSavage and Benjyfishy to thrive. Endretta paves the way for clean and safe rotates. Then Savage and Benjy play off one another to get eliminations or refreshes. It truly is a perfect combination. MrSavage is the best glue player in Europe while Benjyfishy needs no introductions for what he can do in end game. The trio came together to start Season 8. Even though they finished in third and qualified for Finals, they will get even better.

Vadeal misses qualification, but shows off his incredible clutch ability

The tournament started off well for Alexander “Wave Vadeal” Schlik, Jannis "Guild JannisZ" Matwin and Noah “BL Noahreyli” Rey. They had back to back top 5 finishes. One of those games was a beautifully navigated game by Vadeal. He snuck through old builds, picked up a couple eliminations, and secured a 4th place for his team.

Then the off-spawn issues started. The trio normally owns Believer Beach. Unfortunately, that was not the case in EU FNCS Week 1. The early game troubles never allowed the trio to get going after the first two matches. Even when they made it off-spawn, they struggled to move past mid game.

Vadeal, Noahreyli, and JannisZ are too good to stay down for long. They will come back with a plan and perform better next week. The three individuals have been a staple of EU FNCS Finals for almost two years now.

EU FNCS Week 1 Qualifier Standings

1. Queasykame, GUILD Аnas, GAMMA Th0masHD
2. Falcon Andi EW, 4zr 谷, хsweeze
3. 00 Endretta, NRG benjуfishу, 100T MrSavage
4. BL Raifla, Heretics K1nzеll, Jur3kystein
5. zeykoo 7, Esтy, Wave slovay

6. Falcon TaySon 7, Falcon chapix, rezon ay лол 7
7. QBмаsteя -.-, Atlantic Zhiny, XT Fredoxie
8. aryanly 11, Bifrost Milan, Lίquid mίtr0
9. GUILD Hen 75., Falcon Refsgaard, TrulеX
10. airknn., Laizen le toutax, b1acky.BDS