Nick Eh 30 is officially leaving the life of a “family-friendly” streamer.
If you are a part of the Fortnite scene, you have most definitely heard of the infamous Nick Eh 30. Made popular by his personality, Nick Eh 30 is known for being a family-friendly streamer, never swearing or making any sort of crude comment on his stream.
But something seems to have snapped in the popular creator.
Nick Eh 30 is no longer family-friendly...
When choosing a course for your stream, many creators have to decide if their stream will be family-friendly or not. So what exactly does it mean to be "family-friendly?"
Well, in a sense, family-friendly streamers keep their content safe for everyone in a family, meaning it is okay for kids to watch too. Nick Eh 30 has had this persona for quite some time now, as his stream always consists of zero swearing, zero crude comments and more.
Except, now, the popular streamer is deciding to make a change.
Nick Eh 30 took to Twitter this morning to say: "I'm done being family-friendly, it's not who I am."
This comes as a huge surprise, as Nick Eh 30 has been considered family-friendly for many years now, making it very apparent through his personality.
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Will Nick Eh 30 ever go back to family-friendly?
The question many have is whether Nick Eh 30 ever going to return to having a G-rated stream or not. While the creator may lose quite a few viewers over this change, we could also see his viewership rise.
The matter of the fact is, many people don't tend to watch people that are family-friendly. People like raunchy humor, and now that Nick is not appealing to just everyone, he might find a surge in his viewership.
But how non-family-friendly does Nick really plan on going? Are we going to hear f-bombs every other word? Or will he just make a PG-13 comment here and there?
As of now, only time will tell. Make sure to check out his Twitch to find out for yourself.
Stay tuned to for more Fortnite and esports news.
Also... April Fools.