Popular Fortnite commentator gave his predictions going into the Fortnite Global Championship 2024 event.

The Fortnite Global Championship 2024 event has officially begun, with the best of the best competing against each other under one roof in Texas. While many have their opinions and predictions, the popular Fortnite caster, MonsterDface, was able to share his thoughts with esports.gg on who he feels is going to dominate during the event.

It isn't a proper Fortnite event without the casters sharing their predictions beforehand. As the gamers prepare themselves on the main stage and the fans wait in anticipation, MonsterDface shares his Fortnite Globals predictions.

"When it comes down to predictions, I love to stick to the 'Monster niche'," said Monster when sharing his event predictions. "That is picking our dark horse team and this year it is going to be Boltz and Bryce."

Boltz and Bryce had a conversation with the popular caster before the event, where Monster expressed his strong belief in the two.

"I told Bryce that my intuition is telling me he is probably going to pick up at least two wins up there. Bryce is someone who has just had an incredible year."

But Bryce and Boltz are not the only two competitors Monster has his eyes on.

MonsterDface tells his additional favorites

The caster did not end the conversation on Boltz and Bryce, though, as he gave some additional favorites that he is looking out for during the tournament.

"As far as a favorite that has a very good chance at taking home a win," said Monster. "Kami and Setty are dropping uncontested. That is a very consistent and great EU team and I think they have the highest odds."

With Kami and Setty winning the Fortnite Invitational 2022 event and coming in second last year in Globals, it will be exciting to see how they carry their momentum going into the 2024 event.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Fortnite and esports news.