LEGO Fortnite adds new attack moves and more: Everything included in the March update

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey just got a major update. Here is everything included in it.

LEGO Fortnite just got a huge update, with different game modes like Brick Life and Odyssey getting specific changes for March, LEGO Fortnite gamers have been jumping onto their PCs and consoles to explore everything new. However, LEGO Fortnite Odyssey seems to have added quite a bit with this update, including new attack moves and more.

Here is everything included in the LEGO Fortnite Odyssey March update.

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
LEGO Fortnite Odyssey screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey gets a new update, including new attack moves and more

While LEGO Fortnite's Brick Life mode has been exceptionally popular since its recent release, Odyssey is still incredibly popular amongst gamers. What is Odyssey? Odyssey is just the rebranded name for LEGO Fortnite, meaning it is the regular game mode.

So, what new updates were launched in LEGO Fortnite for the month of March? Below is a list of all of them.

  • New Recycler Station
  • Wall Mount changes
  • Sprint Attack
  • Jump Attack changes
  • Sprint Jump
  • Advanced Weapons Journal
  • New small talk
  • Storm safety
  • Thunderclap Blade updates
  • Raise in Shield usefulness

The game has quite a few new updates for the month of March, meaning there is a lot to play around with here. Let's break down each new feature.

New Recycler Station

LEGO Fortnite has added a new type of Recycler Station for players to play around with. What this station does is allow players to recycle already-crafted items, giving them a portion of the materials back.

This means, however, that you will not get all the materials you used to create the item back but just a small portion of them. This is great, though, for players who are in a pinch and need new materials quickly.

The Recycler Station will not be available until March 25, 2025, and will be craftable using a Stone Breaker.

Recycler Station screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Recycler Station screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

Changes to Wall Mounts

Wall Mounts just got a nice update in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, giving players a new feature to help decorate their house and village. Now, non-holdable items, such as resources and charms, will hang on Wall Mounts. This is a perfect way to label different chests that sit below them.

Wall Mount screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Wall Mount screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

You can even interact with items hanging on Wall Mounts that turn on and off. If you have a lightsaber hanging from your Wall Mount, you can literally turn it on and let it glow while hanging from your wall.

This update is interactive and will give gamers the chance to really spice up their homes in LEGO Fortnite.

New changes to attacks and movement

LEGO Fortnite also just included a few new changes to attacks and movement, with minor tweaks and a brand new attack added to the game.

First, the game has added Sprint Attack, which lets players sprint up on enemies, delivering a strike when finally reaching them. This lets you quickly close the gap between you and an opponent by running up to them and attacking before they can get away.

LEGO Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
LEGO Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

Jump Attacks also got a small change in the new LEGO Fortnite March update. Visuals will now be clearer when committing to a Jump Attack, which lets players see their enemy a bit clearer.

The final piece of movement included in this update is the new Sprint Jump, which will let players jump farther than normal when sprinting. This is a feature that is already included in the Battle Royale and has been incredibly popular since its release.

Advanced Weapons Journal

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey just added a new Advanced Weapons Journal as well. This is perfect for players to keep track of all the weapons they can craft.

The Advanced Weapons Journal can be crafted quite easily. All you have to do is refine your raw materials to stone slabs, metal bars and cut crystals, or interact with Stations like a Gem Cutter or Metal Smelter and start crafting a weapon of the same rarity as the refined materials you previously crafted.

Advanced Weapons Journal (Image via Epic Games)
Advanced Weapons Journal (Image via Epic Games)

Small talk

Small talk just got added to the game, letting you interact with Villagers. You may see a speech bubble appear over one of their heads, meaning they either have a quest or want to speak with you.

Go up to a Villager with a speech bubble above their heads and interact with them to find out just exactly what they want to say to you.

LEGO Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
LEGO Fortnite screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

Storm safety

The game just added a new storm safety feature as well, which helps players get away from the storm. Once you run out of time in the storm, instead of dying, you will be teleported into the sky.

This has been added to the game to help players from getting stuck between rocks and more when stuck in the storm.

New enemies (Image via Epic Games)
New enemies (Image via Epic Games)

Thunderclap Blade updates

The infamous Thunderclap Blade just got an update in LEGO Fortnite, which makes the weapon much more useful. Those using the blade will be able to charge it up to a projectile attack, allowing the preparation for the move to be much simpler.

The Thunderclap Blade will also have animation for the projectile launch removed, making it more efficient. Make sure you charge the weapon for even longer now, as it can do much more damage that way!

Thunderclap Blade screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Thunderclap Blade screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

New shield usefulness

The final update added to LEGO Fortnite Odyssey is to shields. When fighting enemies, your shield will be much more responsive, letting you heal up faster than you could in the past.

Weapon screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Weapon screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

Additional updates to LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite did not stop with just updates to Odyssey, as the game has added multiple new updates to the game this month.

With Brick Life getting various new updates, players now have so much more to explore in the GTA-styled game mode. The game even added a brand new LEGO Pass, which is LEGO Fortnite's form of a Battle Pass.

Brick Life screenshot (Image via Epic Games)
Brick Life screenshot (Image via Epic Games)

Will you be exploring the new LEGO Fortnite update?

Stay tuned to for more LEGO Fortnite updates and esports news.