Internet sensation, Hatsune Miku, to have her song, Melt, come to Fortnite

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

Hatsune Miku’s popular track, Melt, is about to be added to Fortnite.

It is a big day for fans of online singing voice synthesizers, as the popular singer, Hatsune Miku, is having one of her most popular songs, Melt, added to Fortnite.

The popular character has become a sensation online amongst millions of people, and while she has already appeared in Fortnite and Rocket League in the past, it would seem as if the online singer is ready to include more music in the Battle Royale.

Hatsune Miku is making her way to Fortnite: Everything we know

Just a few months ago, Hatsune Miku found herself in the world of Rocket League and Fortnite. The collaboration was a huge hit and many found themselves utilizing the singer's specialized car in Rocket League and her Skin in Fortnite.

However, despite Rocket League being a very popular game, Hatsune Miku's first appearance in Fortnite was infinitely more popular.

Despite leakers also providing insight into Hatsune Miku's new song coming to the Battle Royale, Fortnite, itself, actually posted a teaser on Twitter today.

The post above, when translated from Japanese to English, says "Melt I feel like I'm going to melt." I think you can easily come to the conclusion that Fortnite is referencing Hatsune Miku's hit song, Melt.

As confirmed by leakers, it would seem as if Melt is coming to Fortnite Festival as an official track. However, we could easily see the song get an emote, too, for players who main the Battle Royale.

Release date

While there is no actual release date, the fact that Fortnite already made a post about it means Hatsune Miku's Melt will probably be released in Fortnite in the next day or two.

Who knows, it could maybe even be released today, as today is Hatsune Miku Day (Yes, she has her own holiday).

A lot of people reading this may be wondering just who Hatsune Miku is and why she is so popular. Well, that is a very valid question.

Hatsune Miku is a Vocaloid Synthesizer. Designed to look like an anime character, the singer has over 100,000 songs on the internet. She sort of resembles the idea of a V-Tuber, except ANYONE can make music using her voice.

What makes Hatsune Miku so popular is the community behind her, as everyone comes together to develop her hits.

The origin of "Melt"

The song Melt was first released back in 2008, and it features the vocals of Ryo, a popular Japanese artist. The song marks one of the earlier appearances of Hatsune Miku on the internet, as it was only released one year after she was created.

The song tells the story of a young girl who chooses to pursue a boy she has a crush on, changing her appearance in the process to get his attention.

Below are the full lyrics to Melt in both Japanese and English:

I woke up in the morning
朝 目が覚めて

The first thing that comes to mind is you
真っ先に思い浮かぶ 君のこと

I took the plunge and cut my bangs.
思い切って 前髪を切った

I wanted to be asked, "What's wrong?"
「どうしたの?」って 聞かれたくて

pink skirt flower hair ornament
ピンクのスカート お花の髪飾り

I'm leaving soon
さして 出かけるの

I look cute today!
今日の私は かわいいのよ!

Melt I feel like it's going to melt
メルト 溶けてしまいそう

I can never say that I love you...
好きだなんて 絶対に言えない...

But Melt can't even make eye contact.
だけど メルト 目も合わせられない

I don't fall in love with love
恋に恋なんてしないわ わたし

Because...I like you.
だって 君のことが ...好きなの

The weather forecast lied
天気予報が ウソをついた

it's pouring rain

Oritatami umbrella still in my bag
カバンに入れたままの オリタタミ傘

I was not happy.
うれしくない ためいきを ついた

At times like that

"There's nothing I can do about it, so I'll come in."

You next to me are smiling
隣にいる きみが笑う

I heard the sound of falling in love

Melt I feel like I'm suffocating
メルト 息が詰まりそう

My right hand is trembling as I touch you
君に触れてる右手が 震える

My heart beats with excitement, this umbrella
高鳴る胸 はんぶんこの傘

I can reach it if I extend my hand, what should I do...!
手を伸ばせば届く距離 どうしよう...!

Deliver my feelings to you
想いよ届け 君に

Please stop your time, I'm about to cry
お願い 時間をとめて 泣きそうなの

But I would die of joy!
でも嬉しくて 死んでしまうわ!

Melt arrives at the station...
メルト 駅についてしまう...

We can't meet again, we're so close yet so far
もう会えない 近くて 遠いよ だから

Melt I want to walk hand in hand!
メルト 手をつないで 歩きたい!

Do I have to say goodbye already?

Hug me now!
今すぐ わたしを 抱きしめて!

...what a thing

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