FNCS Major 1 Week 2 has officially concluded. Here are some highlights, standings and more for those who may have missed the action.

Week 2 for the FNCS Major 1 has officially come to an end, highlighting some of the top players in every region. From intense victory royales to team storylines you would never have expected, the weekend's tournaments were nothing short of exceptional.

Here is a recap of all FNCS Major 1 Week 2 action.

EU's FNCS Major 1 Week 2 is dominated by PabloWingu and Bevvys; Holding a 52-point lead over 2nd place

As the number one region for Fortnite, Europe has been a prominent spot for action-packed tournaments. With the region holding some of the greatest players in the world, people were expecting a solid tournament to watch this past weekend.

They were not disappointed.

Game after game, each competitor sought to take that first place for themselves, but one team had a different idea.

PabloWingu and Bevvys, two of Europe's top players, held a chokehold over the entire region. The duo not only came in first place but held a 52-point lead ahead of second.

The duo ended the tournament with 397 points, where Team 2 had 345 points. This certifies the two as top prospects when approaching this Major's finals.

Regardless, we still saw additional teams such as Veno and Queasy and more show up and provide an exceptional quality of gameplay.

Bugha and Peterbot have their hold over NA-East

The World Cup champion Bugha is back at it again, showing how he still holds his place amongst the greats in Forntite competitive. Joined by teammate Peterbot, the two had a solid weekend of matches.

Both players also participated in the FNCS invitational back in November 2022 but played with different teammates at the time.

With one Victory Royale, the two were able to win in a tiebreaker against second-place's Casqer and ClarityG.

The excitement is real, as next week marks the final qualifier for all the players.

Additional standings and more...

Although their broadcast may have only covered the two largest regions, additional areas still competed for a chance to make it to finals this weekend.

Here are the official first-place standings of every region that participated in FNCS Major 1 Week 2:

Pablowingu & Bevvys
Peterbot & Bugha
Reet & Epikwhale
Qjac & Naetor
Danath & Worthy
Middle East
Adapter & FKS
Fncs Major 1 Week 2 Final Standings

The final addition qualifying weekend for Major 1 will be held later this week, so prepare yourself for some more high-quality Fortnite action.

Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Forntite and esports news.