FaZe Fortnite removes Cented for racist remarks

Matthew "MJP" Pryor

Matthew "MJP" Pryor

FaZe Clan removed Fortnite player Cented from its roster after a clip surfaced where the 20-year-old uttered the n-word.

Top Fortnite player Evan “Cented” Barron is no longer a member of FaZe Clan. This news follows a clip where Cented used the n-word during a Twitch broadcast. While the stream was not his own, Cented has since confirmed he uttered the racist remark. 

As a result, FaZe Clan promptly removed Cented from their Fortnite roster and issued a statement condemning his words. Furthermore, Cented took to Twitter with a Twitlonger statement. He profusely apologized for uttering the n-word, citing his ego getting the best of him. 

Cented’s racist remark surfaces on Twitter

Continuum Esports (CEO) owner Jake publicized the clip that has now gone viral across Twitter. In the video, Cented casually welcomes another player into a Fortnite lobby with the n-word. The player responded, informing Cented that he was live on Twitch before the short video capture ended. 

Jake aired the tweet publicly, saying he’s tired of these types of issues in the community. Moreover, the Twitter thread included more evidence of Cented’s questionable actions. In response, FaZe Fortnite removed Cented, and an apology from the player followed shortly after. 

FaZe Clan removes Cented

The tweet and removal of the 20-year-old Fortnite pro arrived swiftly following the clip’s emergence. FaZe Clan stated that the organization could not tolerate the hate speech spoken by Cented:

“FaZe is constantly evolving and we expect our members to do the same,” the tweet reads. “Cented is permanently removed from FaZe due to his use of hate speech. We, and the gaming community at large can’t tolerate discriminatory language any longer.”

It’s unclear how much time Cented had left on his contract. Regardless, FaZe Fortnite acted quickly, despite Cented’s claims of mutually parting ways.

Cented issues an apology for his insensitive words

In a Twitlonger statement, Cented declared he is not racist and apologized for uttering the n-word:

“First and foremost, I am sorry. Not sorry I was exposed, but sorry because I should’ve known better. I can’t hide behind my age or cluelessness for leaving a word like that in my vocabulary,” he wrote. "It shouldn’t be in my vocabulary at all. As an adult, I should know better. I had all the information in front of me for knowing better and still chose to act wrongly. For that, I am sorry.”

He continued, apologizing to the Fortnite community for not being a role model. Furthermore, he said sorry to those he offended. To conclude his statement, Cented stated he lost himself at the height of his success and regrets letting everyone down. Overall, his tenure with FaZe Fortnite has reached its end after more than a year. 

It’s unclear at this point whether Epic Games and Fortnite will take action in-game against the multiple-time FNCS contender. Ultimately, we’ll have to see what more materializes. 

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