It’s a new Dragon Ball game, and it has a regional beta test.
While real Dragon Ball fans never get tired of defeating Raditz, it is also great to get a refreshing twist in the story-based formula. Dragon Ball Project: Multi may provide that thanks to its gameplay. It’s a massive 4v4 battle, where players must obtain the Dragon Ball and defeat their opponent. It feels like the first-ever Dragon Ball multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)!
Project: Multi was announced rather unexpectedly. Bandai Namco Entertainment published a trailer with some gameplay footage and an invitation to participate in a beta test. All of the available information about the game and the testing is here.
Dragon Ball Project: Multi trailer
Take a look at the first trailer for this Dragon Ball game.
Gameplay of Dragon Ball Project: Multi
According to the trailer, the new Dragon Ball game is a MOBA. Four players in each team control mighty characters and have to destroy the base of their opponents.
The characters can revive and participate in the battle again, but with power-ups. For example, the trailer shows how one of the Saiyans transforms into a Great Ape. Also, Goku who started from his Base form was shown as Super Saiyan.
The details, such as the presence of minions or items in a store, should be clear during the beta test.
Beta test information
The Dragon Ball MOBA game has its regional beta test starting on Aug. 19 and Aug. 20. Here is the schedule for North America.
- Start time — Aug. 19 at 11 p.m. PT / Aug. 20 at 2 a.m. ET
- End time — Sept. 2 at 10:59 p.m. PT / Sept. 3 1:59 a.m. ET
The regional beta test is available in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the U.K., and the U.S. The game is already present on Steam. The iOS and Android versions are coming soon. All of the details about the Dragon Ball Project: Multi beta test is on the game’s official site.
Dragon Ball characters in Project: Multi
We've noticed these characters in the trailer:
- Piccolo
- Android 18
- Krillin
- Vegeta
- Majin Buu
- Trunks
- Zamasu
- Goku
Super Saiyan Goku
The developers have published a hero introduction for Super Saiyan Goku. His role is to deal damage, and also, Goku can use Kaioken in increase the power of his active skills.

He is another student of Master Roshi. Even if Krillin can't compete with the power of Saiyans, he is a great fighter and agood support in Dragon Ball Project: Multi matches. In this game, he is a technical character, able to set traps. Krillin's ability Destructo-Disc debuffs opponents.

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The Namekian and former Kami is another Damage character in the Dragon Ball MOBA. Piccolo has fare-reaching abilities and chargeable Special Beam Cannon.

Take Zamasu to a match for somewhat disrespectful offense. The character can use Body Regeneration after a knock-out, which allows Zamasu initiate fights and go deep into the opponents' territory. The healing ability is also pretty useful.

Android 18
She is a damage character, able to target one opponent and eliminate them from the battlefield. As a creation of Dr. Giro, Android 18 knows well how to fight and how to reach her goals through aggression. The girl sure abandoned this path with Krillin, but he potential can be unleashed in matches.

Trunks, Super Saiyan (Adult)
Trunks is also a damage character. His ability Overcharge allows players to use active skills with no cooldown. The transformation into Super Saiyan is possible after Level 7.

Majin Buu
The former evil being has transformed into a good guy — a lot thanks to the efforts of Mr. Satan. Still, Majin Buu keeps his battling abilities. In Project: Multi, he can turn opponents into candies to restore health for himself and for allies. Majin Buu is a technical character. He is able to debuff opponents and boost his rush attacks damage.

He is a tank character, able to deal a lot of damage on counter-attack. Cooler has the ability 'Immune to all', which should be applied to him — and when an opponent attacks, Cooler gets his next skill enhanced. Transformation into Final Form is available on level 7 and higher.

Gohan (child)
As a technical character, kid Gohan prefers sticking to his teammates. This gives extra defense and speed for both, while the ally also gets an attack boost.

Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
In this game, Vegeta is a tank character who can aggressively attack opponents and even benefit from getting damage. When the health of Super Saiyan Vegeta is below 50%, the cooldown of his abilities becomes reduced — he is ready to hit sooner. The Super Saiyan transformation is available on level 7.
That’s all the information about Dragon Ball Project: Multi we have for now. For more gaming news and updates, stick around on!