Origin of Storms is a “hyperfigher” that takes inspiration from the likes of UMVC3 and Bloody Roar to create a frantic fighting experience!

Remember Bloody Roar, the frenetic transformation-based fighter from the mid 2000s? How about Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, a game still considered one of the best fighters of all-time? If you answered yes to either of these, then we suggest you immediately download the prototype of Origin of Storms, an upcoming “Hyperfighter” inspired by Bloody Roar and UMVC3.

(Screenshot by esports.gg)
(Screenshot by esports.gg)

Developed by ArcForge, Origin of Storms takes the fast-paced combos that you’d expect in a MvC game and combines them with the sometimes-grizzle transformations of the likes of Bloody Roar.

In a preview video posted to X, the Origin of Storm showed off one character, Adelaida, laying into another, Arcus. Adelaida transforms mid-fight into a fearsome beast form that brutally slashes their opponent with a combo reminiscent of our worst nightmares about Wolverine in MVC3.

According to the post, Origin of Storms will feature rollback netcode and crossplay on launch, two things that are basically essentially for fighting games in this day and age.

How to play Origin of Storms

(Screenshot by esports.gg)
(Screenshot by esports.gg)

And best of all, you can try out the game yourself right now! No desperately waiting to see if you get in a closed beta, only to find out you missed it, and then the people that did hacked the client to play it offline… Sorry, we got distracted. You can download the Origin of Storms prototype here.

There’s only two characters at the moment, and it’s just the Versus mode and training. But you can play with a friend and it has controller support, so it’s pretty great as just a proof of concept.

After that, it seems like the game will be coming to Steam and possibly consoles, given the fact ArcForged said things will be crossplay. And until there’s further details, keep your eyes locked on the Origin of Storms X page.

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