Is Tekken X Street Fighter alive? Harada and Ono joke about missed opportunity at Evo 2023

Michael Hassall

Michael Hassall

Tekken X Street Fighter was thought long-dead, but scenes at Evo 2023 have sparked fresh speculation about the crossover title.

A seemingly abandoned crossover title is getting fresh attention after two senior producers made a scene at Evo 2023. Tekken X Street Fighter, a crossover between Bandai Namco and Capcom's premier fighting game titles, had its revival teased in a clip from last weekend.

In the clip, former Street Fighter series producer Yoshinori Ono and current Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada talk on stage as part of a presentation at Evo 2023. Ono, addresses Harada: “Do you remember? We had some Homework. Tekken Cross...” Harada then chases Ono off stage as the crowd cheers.

Many have taken this as a sign that Bandai Namco are hinting at the revival of the long defunct title that was previously in production.

What happened?

(Image via Capcom)
(Image via Capcom)

In case you don’t know the story, In 2010 Ono and Harada revealed both Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con. Street Fighter X Tekken would be a 2.5D Fighter in the style of Street Fighter, featuring both SF and Tekken characters, developed by Capcom. Tekken X Street Fighter would be the opposite, a 3D fighter developed by Bandai Namco in the style of Tekken.

Two years later, and Street Fighter X Tekken released to critical acclaim. And then we waited. And waited. And waited some more.

In 2016, Bandai Namco officially put the game on “hold.” In 2021, Harada, when asked about the game, stated "no one really knows for certain at this point." 

And that was the last we heard, until Evo 2023, when the panel featuring Harada and Ono revived interest.

Will we ever see Tekken X Street Fighter?

One of the few promotional images for Tekken X Street Fighter (Image via Bandai Namco)
One of the few promotional images for Tekken X Street Fighter (Image via Bandai Namco)

At the moment, with no other sources, and no confirmation, it’s highly unlikely. Tekken 8 is still in active development and it’s hard to imagine another top-tier Fighting Game being in production at the same time.

What’s more, Yoshinori Ono left Capcom in 2021, and is now COO and president of Delightworks, current publisher of Melty Blood: Type Lumia. Any connection between Ono and Street Fighter ended, seemingly before the production of Street Fighter 6. 

That said, there’s a glimmer of hope given that the title was even brought up during Evo 2023. Maybe once Tekken 8 is released, the games engine will be robust enough to make another title featuring the Capcom characters!

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