Sakamoto Days episode release dates and details

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Are Sakamoto Days episodes 5 and 6 already out? Here is the release schedule for this anime.

Sakamoto Days is now an anime that's streaming on Netflix. The show follows Taro Sakamoto, once known as the greatest hitman ever, who retired to live a peaceful life with his family. However, this peace doesn't last forever as his past comes back to haunt him. Now, he must return to the assassin world to protect those he loves. If you've been following the show and cannot wait for the next episode or you're just getting started, then read on for all of the confirmed Sakamoto Days episode release dates and more.

Sakamoto Days episode release dates screenshot (Image via
Sakamoto Days episode release dates screenshot (Image via

Sakamoto Days episode release schedule

  • Episode 1 - Jan. 11
  • Episode 2 - Jan. 18
  • Episode 3 - Jan. 25
  • Episode 4 - Feb. 1
  • Episode 5 - Feb. 8
  • Episode 6 - Feb. 15
  • Episode 7 - Feb. 22
  • Episode 8 - March 1
  • Episode 9 - March 8
  • Episode 10 - March 15
  • Episode 11 - March 22

Sakamoto Days premiered on Netflix on Jan. 11, and the streaming service has since released new episodes every Saturday. Therefore, we can infer that new episodes on Netflix will continue to be released every weekend. This release schedule also aligns with a post from the anime's official account on X. In Japanese, the post confirmed that new Sakamoto Days Season 1 episodes air on Saturdays at 11 p.m. on TV Tokyo and other networks.

Screenshot indicating that Sakamoto Days episode 6 is already out (Image via
Screenshot indicating that Sakamoto Days episode 6 is already out (Image via

Sakamoto Days episode 6 release date

Episode 5 of Sakamoto Days dropped on Netflix on Feb. 8, so episode 6 is slated for Feb. 15. However, just like past weekends, posts on Reddit indicate that episodes can go out a week earlier. The anime's official account on X also confirmed that Sakamoto Days episode 6 is now available on Netflix Japan specifically.

Screenshot of Reddit users talking about access to episodes earlier (Image via
Screenshot of Reddit users talking about access to episodes earlier (Image via

Sakamoto Days episode 6 preview

For those interested, below is the Sakamoto Days episode 6 preview.

Sakamoto Days episodes

Below are all of the revealed English episodes for Sakamoto Days Season 1 alongside their titles and summaries — as provided by Netflix.

Episode Number
Episode Title
Episode Summary
1The Legendary Hit ManSakamoto enjoys a quiet life in retirement with his family. But one day, an old colleague demands he return to the assassin world — or face consequences.
2Vs. Son Hee and BachoWhile out on an errand, Sakamoto and Shin encounter Lu Shaotang, the daughter of a mafia boss, who's on the run and targeted by twin assassins.
3Welcome to Sugar ParkAfter learning of the huge bounty on Sakamoto's head, the crew tries to enjoy a family outing at the amusement park while fending off assassins.
4Hard-BoiledWith the poison-wielding hitman taken out, the Sakamotos head to their next attraction, where they're ambushed by Dondenkai Ltd's ultimate assassin duo.
5Source of StrengthSakamoto goes all out in a fierce one-on-one duel with Boiled. Meanwhile, ORDER members are tasked with handling a serial case targeting assassins.
6Official English title to be revealed soon.Official English summary to be revealed soon. Check back later.

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