As we enter the Year of the Snake, Valve has dropped the Charm of the Snake treasure, featuring some fang-tastic Dota 2 sets.
January 29, 2025, was the first day of the Lunar New Year – also known as the Chinese New Year. This year is considered that of the snake, as marked by the Chinese lunisolar calendar – and with that, Valve has added a new themed treasure into Dota 2. While we all patiently await the end of Crownfall and the chance at a new patch, the Charm of the Snakes treasure gives us a chance at obtaining an amazing Necrophos set and more.

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The new Charms of the Snake treasure features a total of nine new sets, all with the theme of, you guessed it, snakes. Some obvious heroes are included in this, such as Medusa, Naga Siren, and Shadow Shaman, but we can’t complain about the rest since the skins look rather great.
The full list of sets available in the Charms of the Snake treasure are:
- Shadow Shaman – Q’uq’umatz Charmer
- Naga Siren – Call of the Coral Cultist
- Templar Assassin – Psionic Constrictor
- Medusa – Obsidian Ophis
- Earth Spirit – Slithering Stone
- Snapfire – Madam Mamba
- Razor – Arc Adder
- Lich Cobra-Ka (Rare)
- Necrophos – Serpent’s Spite (Very Rare)

Each treasure will set you back $2.49, and each will give you a chance at both the rare Lich set and the very rare Necrophos set. With the Lunar New Year in full swing, these sets bring out the serpentine side of their owners quite well – albeit with the very rare set looking the absolute best.
With another week of Crownfall remaining, this set is just a little something to tide us over until then, when we hopefully see a new patch for Dota 2.
Stay tuned to for more Dota 2 content in the future.