The 2022 battle level bundle is here! Join us as we go through the announcement and see what the bundle entails!
As The International is right around the corner, Valve has released the 2022 Battle Level Bundle for purchase to all dota players. The bundle usually contains a bunch of Battle Pass levels and a plethora of treasures. This year is slightly different, with the bundle being double the price but also double the rewards. So with a purchase, players receive 120 levels, nine Immortal I treasures, six Immortal II treasures and six of each Collection and Ageless Heirloom treasures. The bundle retails for $29.99 USD and is available until October 30th.
Doubling Down
In previous years the battle pass would typically be around $14.99 USD each. And for that price you'd get 60 levels, six Immortal Treasures and three of the themed treasures. The bundles are typically advertised as 70% savings rather than buying the individual treasures or leveling the battle pass. So, the bundle has been a popular aspect of unlocking all the high level rewards of the Battle Pass throughout the years.

However, this year's battle level bundle is a different story. The 2022 bundle offers 120 levels, 15 Immortal Treasures, 6 Ageless Heirloom Treasures and six Battle Pass Collection Treasures. For a similarly advertised 75% off, you are essentially buying two bundles for the price of one. This is because for the 2022 battle pass level bundle, each customer can only buy one. Rather than last year, where you'd be able to buy one or two bundles.
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Is buying the Bundle worth it?
For double the price, is it worth spending the money on the bundle? Well it depends on what you want out of the battle pass. For the insanely high level rewards that the 2022 battle pass features, it makes sense to buy the bundle. As a heavily discounted 120 levels, alongside treasures to recycle and gain even more rewards has some high value to players.
Again however, earning battle pass levels without additional purchases is harder than previous years. With the rewards of the 2022 battle pass being at earlier levels, earning the rewards is more challenging. So, is the bundle worth it? Well at the end of the day, if you are aiming for the featured rewards like Personas or the Arcanas, then yes. Because unless you are insanely lucky with Tusk's additional rewards for quest completion.
The bundle is available until the October 30th, and its limited to per customer. You can check out the full blog post about the battle pass bundle here. For more Dota 2 and TI coverage, stay tuned to!