Team Aster finalizes its roster for 2022-2023 DPC. Ori is replaced by a midlaner from Aster.Aries, meanwhile LaNm departs from his position as coach.
Amidst a volatile roster shuffle period, Team Aster is one of the first teams to finalize their new roster for the 2022-2023 Dota Pro Circuit. The organization announced details of its squad on Weibo. They are as follows:
- Du "Monet" Peng
- Zhai "Xyw" Jingkai
- Lin "Xxs" Jing
- Ye "BoBoKa" Zhibiao
- Yu "Siamese.C" Yajun
Aster reveals the new offlaner to replace Ori
After Zeng “Ori” Jiaoyang's retirement, Aster brought in Zhai "Xyw" Jingkai from its sister squad Aster.Aries. He was formerly known as 一 (yī): The Chinese character “one”. The 26-year-old midlaner has been around for quite some time, having stints with reputable Chinese teams such as EHOME, Keen Gaming, Phoenix Gaming, and most recently Aster.Aries.
Xyw had a number of achievements throughout his career. He attended The International once in 2019 with Keen Gaming when they lost to Infamous and finished 13th-16th. His latest attempt to enter TI was with Aster.Aries. However, it was cut short after they lost to Invictus Gaming in the Chinese Regional Qualifier.

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rOtK replaces LaNm as the new coach
Another major change that Aster made was relieving Zhang "LaNm" Zhicheng as coach. There is no additional information that can explain why Aster and LaNm decided to part ways even though LaNm has been with the team for two years; both as a player and as a coach. He will be replaced by Bai "rOtK" Fan, a highly regarded coach in the Chinese pro Dota scene. He last coached Elephant which placed 13th-16th at TI10.

With the roster completed, Aster is prepared to take on a new journey. After attaining fourth place at TI11, Aster will have a huge mountain to climb in hopes to outperform 2022. Be sure to keep up with news on roster changes at