Is this enough?

The Dota 2 7.36 Patch update is one of the biggest updates in recent history. While Dota 2 fans acclimatize themselves to the various new changes, Valve has allowed them additional time during the strategy time. This will ensure players can 

Additional Strategy Time in Dota 2 Matches

Strategy time is extended by 15/10/5 seconds for the 1/2/3 weeks immediately after a numbered patch.

This wording makes it seem that Strategy Time will receive a small extension after every numbered patch. This will help players get used to the changes, spending that additional few seconds to learn about the changes. 

Another interesting change in this update is that Dominated creeps no longer allow heroes to bypass backdoor protection. So all those YouTube videos about players teleporting on to a Dominated Creep are going to be hard to come by. 

What’s new in the 7.36 Patch update for Dota 2?

The 7.36 Patch update is one of the biggest update and brings several new features to Dota 2. It brings Innate abilities, Facets, and much more. Existing items and abilities have also seen quite a few changes. Each hero has two Facets that they can choose from at the beginning of the game. Players have to choose one of these Facets before the start of the game during the strategy time. To compensate for this additional activity, players will have additional strategy time. 

The first week will see games have 15 seconds of additional strategy time while the subsequent two weeks will see 10 seconds and 5 seconds of additional strategy time. As players get accustomed to Facets and the additional choices they have for multiple heroes, they will not require as much time during the strategy time. 

Stay tuned to for the latest Dota 2 news and updates.