Ceb relives past dramas; rates his hottest takes and tweets

Devin Soetjipto

Devin Soetjipto

Cap hosts a special segment in his All Chat podcast by rating Ceb’s hottest takes, tweets and past dramas.

Sébastien 'Ceb' Debs is undoubtedly one of the most vocal Dota players, well-known for his motivational speeches. His passion and eloquence with words have rallied his team to many victories. However, there were days when the things he said had backfired. Being the famous back-to-back TI champion that Ceb is, the community would place him under a microscope and criticize him whenever he made tweets or statements that were rather controversial.

In an episode of the All Chat podcast, Austin 'Cap' Walsh had the genius idea to invite Ceb to relive his past dramas through his hottest takes and tweets, and rate them on a tier list by order of spiciness. While he was more than gracious to take part in this segment, Ceb naturally cringed at some of the things he had said. Here are some of the biggest highlights.

You keep that scrappy a** boring toy for yourself

You keep that scrappy ass boring toy for yourself

While this was one of Ceb's least controversial statements, it was certainly one of the funniest. He made a video comparing Dota to League of Legends using bicycles as an analogy–suggesting that Dota is the superior game. This was a response to a video made by G2 Esports CEO, Carlos "ocelote" Rodriguez, who believed otherwise. In good fun, Ceb mockingly copied ocelote's video style while putting on the thickest stereotypical French accent, making his video all the more hilarious.

In Ocelote's video, he referred to League as a magical piece of machinery like the BMW i8 whereas Dota as a dull GMC Typhoon. Meanwhile, Ceb referred to Dota as the bespoke piece of art Candar 26-inch Tricycle and League as a scrappy-ass boring toy.

Arrogance requires advertising

While Ceb had been publishing radical tweets since the dawn of time, this tweet was the beginning of a butterfly effect that ultimately resulted in his hottest beef. In June 2020, Ceb called out Team Secret after they tweeted about their participation in the BLAST Bounty Hunt tournament. He said, “Arrogance requires advertising. Confidence speaks for itself.” Team Secret's tweet was completely harmless, so it was not clear why Ceb had chosen to antagonize them.

A month later, OG released a video regarding Ceb's return after his supposed retirement in 2019. Ceb spoke in the video (minute 6:25) saying that he "take offense from teams thinking they can win against us [OG].” This doubled down on his notoriety. Mind you, this was when he had already won TI back-to-back. He essentially put a target on his and OG's back. Hence, Team Secret's social media manager, midormeepo, went to work. And with that, the tweet wars between Ceb and Team Secret began.

Have I f**cked your girl

A year had passed since Ceb's "arrogance requires advertising" tweet, and OG found themselves constantly losing games and struggling to qualify for TI10. Meanwhile, Team Secret had tweeted several things that sort of kicked OG while they were down in a rut. It all came to a boiling point when Team Secret thanked Team Liquid for “keeping the DPC streets clean” from OG in May 2021. This caused Ceb to snap and he went to confront midormeepo in private to address the situation.

Ceb's most controversial tweet war (Screenshot from All Chat podcast)
Ceb's most controversial tweet war (Screenshot from All Chat podcast)

What Ceb hadn’t anticipated and would later come to regret was midormeepo leaking the message in public. Whatever had happened, however, was in the past. Amidst the drama, OG still successfully qualified for TI10 after beating Tundra Esports in the WEU regional qualifier. Today, OG and Team Secret appear to be on good terms. Perhaps because the competitive landscape had completely changed since back then.

Complete tier list of Ceb's hottest takes and tweets

Complete tier list of Ceb's hottest takes and tweets (Image via All Chat podcast)
Complete tier list of Ceb's hottest takes and tweets (Image via All Chat podcast)

With everything said and done, a good moderation of banter can be healthy for Dota. As Ceb had pointed out, banter is part of the game as long as it is within range of ethics. After all, Dota just isn’t Dota without a dash of spice and a dollop of drama.

Check out Cap's video for the complete tier list of Ceb's hottest takes and tweets.

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