In an 80-minute game, PSG.LGD overpowered RNG and Faith_bian’s Venomancer delivered a record-breaking performance!

There is one fact we could all agree on and that China (CN) Dota never disappoints; and this PSG.LGD matchup against Royal Never Give Up (RNG) is living proof. China Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) started a little later than other regions and this series marked the final game of the 2nd week.

In this series, the second game brought the audience to an ultra late-game experience, and there, we witnessed Faith_bian on his insane Venomancer, scoring the 2nd highest damage in a single game of all time. Not only that, but his Venomancer also inflicted the 4th highest most damage per minute of all time

The entire game was crazy and we could taste the raw prowess oozing out from the matchup so if you missed it, here’s what happened in the series.

Faith_Bian's Venomancer records:

  • 2nd highest damage in a single game
  • 4th most damage per minute of ALL time

PSG.LGD overpowered RNG in an 80-minute game

The first game was smooth-sailing for LGD. RNG had some moments of hope here and there, but ultimately, the late game worked in LGD’s favor. They couldn’t put up with a brutal Ame on his Wraith King, slicing the HPs of their allies in every teamfight, especially in his ‘werewolf’ form. 

Here comes the second game. Who would win - a high net worth RNG or a really angry reptile? Jokes aside, the match was neck and neck, and it really looked like RNG had the upper hand to close the game. Throughout a multitude of fights, RNG garnered a significant gold lead, but LGD dragged the game and we entered the 60-minute mark.

Nothing gets us fans more excited than late-game Dota featuring 6-slotted, maximum leveled heroes, and of course the Tier 6 neutral items. This is also the phase where Supports get to have some fun, finally getting those delicious items. XinQ on his Tusk equipped with a Moon Shard and an Assault Cuirass even pulled a Mike Tyson onto the opponent's carry Faceless Void.

Draft-wise, RNG looked great coming into the late game, however, the one thing that pierced through their endurance was Venomancer’s poison. This hero was a huge pain in the neck. It not only has a low cooldown, huge AoE, and a long-duration poison ultimate, it could also spam an army to casually push objectives. And Faith_bian definitely played this hero to its max potential.

In the final fight, RNG tried to hold on but Venomancer’s ultimate MELTED their lives. They finally waved the white flag and the 80-minute match ended in LGD’s favor.

And if you're wondering how massive of a comeback PSG.LGD managed to pull, here's the XP and net worth graph for Game 2.

XP and net worth graph for Game 2 of PSG.LGD vs RNG
XP and net worth graph for Game 2 of PSG.LGD vs RNG

Faith_bian’s Venomancer achieves record-breaking numbers

That series was hands-down a Veno show and it is evident in the numbers. PSG.LGD's offlaner scored a KDA of 9/10/30 with a total net worth of 40k. Here is his item build:

Early game:

  • Magic Wand
  • Boots of Speed

Mid game:

  • Hand of Midas
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity
  • Kaya and Sange
  • Blink Dagger
  • Aghanim's Scepter

Late game:

  • Wind Waker
  • Linken's Sphere
  • Boots of Travel
  • Aghanim's Shard
  • Overwhelming Blink
PSG.LGD Faith_bian's build on Venomancer.
PSG.LGD Faith_bian's build on Venomancer.

Zhang "Faith_bian" Ruida now stands at number 2 with the highest damage in a single game of all time - just behind Muhammad "inYourdreaM" Rizky's Terrorblade. 

He is also 4th on the all-time leaderboard of most damage per minute.

PSG.LGD's win over RNG marks their 5th overall win in the DPC with 0 losses! They're definitely in good shape (as most have expected) but can they keep the streak going? More CN Dota is coming our way and the next PSG.LGD game will be on January 18. Make sure to keep an eye on the schedule of CN DPC so you don't miss out!

Stay tuned to for more Dota 2 news and updates.