New Ability Draft league King of the Pool still open for sign-ups

Christian Decker

Christian Decker

High Ground Vision announces a new Ability Draft Tournament League for the upcoming year!

It's always fun to watch a normal pro game of Dota, but what about Dota's lesser played game modes? If you've been fiending some ability draft, there may be a new tournament for you.

Hosted by High Ground Vision on their Twitch Channel, they have announced a new ability draft tournament, entitled, King of the Pool!

For those of you unfamiliar with Ability Draft, the game operates just like a normal game of Dota. The only difference is that instead of drafting heroes, you draft abilities from a pool of choices. This makes for wacky ability combinations that totally change how heroes are played.

The Ability Draft League Format

The King of the Pool league will take place in two regions, with the regional champions facing off in a grand final match. Region 1 will consist of the North American and South American regions while Region 2 will consist of Western and Eastern Europe. They note that they have plans to expand into more regions soon.

The league will start in January of 2022. Each region will have 16 teams in a Swiss format, battling it out over 6 weeks for groups. The group stage will be followed by another 6 weeks of double elimination playoff matches. In addition, there will be multiple seasons of the league so don't worry if you don't have time to watch one season!

The games will start every Wednesday in each region from January 2022

  • Region 1 NA/SA): 6PM PST / 7PM MT / 8PM CT / 9PM EST.
  • Region 2 (WEU/EEU), the time zones are: 6PM UTC / 7PM CET / 9PM MSK.

Want to play yourself?

If you're looking to join the league, there is a form to register in the RBGKnights' reddit post about the event linked here. The requirements are that you have a team of 5 people, with 1 person as a captain.

Eeach player is required:

  • To have 50 games of ability draft on their account
  • Have a valid Steam ID
  • Have a DIscord ID

Players also have to be registered as part of the team 24 hours before a match in order to not be counted as a stand in. If you do well, there's a $2500 USD prize pool waiting for those who finish in the top 6.

Want to participate but don't want to play, the organizers are looking for some more help with the tournament. The positions include moderators on their Discord, community casters for the matches and a person who is good at video editing. Check the Reddit thread for more details.

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