In this extended Candyworks guide, you will learn what it takes to maximize your chances to get a free Arcana.
It has been less than a week since Candyworks was first released and players are already frustrated over how rare it is to get Arcanas. The Arcanas are, after all, the most commonly sought-after prize in this Dota 2 mini game. Having an Arcana to show up in the candy shop is a challenge in itself. Coupled with the difficulty to acquire candies, players are left with another reason to despair in Dota 2. Take a look at the poor soul below.
Worry no more. has you covered. Previously, we discussed the basics on how to play Candyworks. In this article, we will provide some tips to help you gain a little bit more of an advantage that will hopefully win you the Arcana that you've been craving for.
Paying to win Candyworks
The surest way to maximize your potential in this mini game is by buying Battle Pass levels. Assume you want to buy your way to a level 1,000 Battle Pass. The following table shows a breakdown on all the perks you will receive for Candyworks.
Battle Pass Levels Candyworks Rewards | Lvl 1 - 100 Candy sacks x3 20% weekly candy progress rate (Lvl 81) +2 candy shop inventory slots (Lvl 86) | Lvl 101 - 200 Candy sacks x5 +1 max weekly candy | Lvl 201 - 300 Candy sacks x5 +2 candy shop inventory slots (Lvl 216) 20% weekly candy progress rate (Lvl 279) | Lvl 301 - 400 Candy sacks x5 +3 candy shop inventory slots (Lvl 335) | Lvl 401 - 600 Candy sacks x10 | Lvl 601 - 700 Candy sacks x5 +3 candy shop inventory slots (Lvl 601) | Lvl 701 - 1000 Candy sacks x15 And 5 more candy sacks for every 100 levels beyond |
After reaching 1,000 levels, you will gain a total of 48 candy sacks. Each sack contains six candies so you will receive a total of 288 candies. You also start with 20 candy inventory slots and will need to raise your Battle Pass to level 601 in order to unlock the full 30 slots. Remember that candies must be filled into the slots to be used for trading. An Arcana requires a set of 16 candies. It will be a lot easier for you to collect the candies you need for an Arcana if you have more slots.
You can also earn candies every week, and the 20% weekly candy progress rate and +1 max weekly candy perks will help you get more candies faster. However, they are currently bugged and Valve has yet to announce a fix.

Go green and recycle treasures
In addition to all the candies you will get from purchasing Battle Pass levels, you will also receive a variety of treasures. Opening them will grant you various items or sets for your favorite heroes. Eventually, you will have duplicates which you can recycle for candy sacks.
To get one candy sack, you will need to recycle:
- Four items from either Immortal Treasure I and II
- Five hero sets from Ageless Heirlooms 2022 (must not be unbundled)
- Five hero sets from The Battle Pass Collection 2022 (must not be bundled)

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The ultimate "free" road to Arcana
The easiest and only free way to get candies is by playing games. This includes Diretide and Turbo game modes. You can get up to five candies per week, but it takes multiple games to even get one piece of candy. How fast you can get them depends on the game modes. Furthermore, winning games will speed the process along.
Below is a summary on which game modes will earn candies and how many games you will need to receive all five candies:
- Winning unranked or ranked games | 40% each game | 13 games
- Losing unranked or ranked games | 20% each game | 25 games
- Winning Diretide or Turbo games | 20% each game | 25 games
- Losing Diretide or Turbo games | 10% each game | 50 games
You can also get up to 10 re-rolls per week by winning any games. These will be necessary to switch out rewards that you do not like in the candy shop.
Increasing your odds to get an Arcana
Getting an Arcana to appear in the candy shop is pure luck. You will need to use your re-rolls to find an Arcana or any other reward you seek. However, there is a way for you to increase your odds — trade your candies for all Diretide rewards. These rewards are clearly labeled with the Diretide logo, so there is no way for you to miss them.
The Diretide rewards are exclusive and therefore will be permanently removed from the candy shop once they are traded off. In other words, every time you acquire a Diretide exclusive from Candyworks, the chance for an Arcana to show up next increases slightly.

The Candyworks event will be around until January 12th, 2023, so you will have an ample amount of time to farm candies. We hope this provides some clarity and confidence for your sugar-filled quest. So what are you waiting for? Get back in there and get more candies! Your free Arcanas await you!
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